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Do you drink water after eating something really unhealthy, as if that’s going to fix the fact you just had candy for dinner or something?

GuitarDoctor 7 Nov 17

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no. i guzzle water for a variety of reasons. i also don't have candy for dinner. i have diabetes. that's not the only reason i don't eat candy for dinner. i also have a brain, and occasionally use it. (i have more of a savory tooth than a sweet tooth most of the time, anyway. my idea of a midnight snack is ham and cheese, no bread, and brussels sprouts with salt and butter, NOT boiled. never boil veg. ewww.)



Ummm no. I do drink water about in equal quantities when I drink alcoholic beverages though. I never wake up with hang overs (anymore, as when I was younger i ddin't do this), which are pretty much mostly the result of dehydration.

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