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What do you do to keep your brain active?

I love to read. I love to learn. I sometimes wish I could learn everything by osmosis because there is SO MUCH I want to learn. If I stop reading and working my brain, I feel like I'm losing the intelligence I once had. What do you do?

Melbates 7 Feb 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Have at least five orgasms per week.



I'm an avid reader. I am also video gaming, "Skyrim." It's so good.


I usually read or create something in a different art medium.


I write, do music, draw, paint, dance and play with 3 lady chihuahuas.


I read all the time. If I'm driving, I'm listening to an audiobook. I play tabletop roleplaying games twice a week, which require creativity and teamwork. My job requires that I stay on top of technical knowledge related to many products and I'm learning to code on the side. I participate in MOOCs, and hope to return to college sometime in the near future. I make a point of learning new things (knitting, most recently). Finally, I seek out the company of those who talk about ideas and current events rather than sports or people (gossip).

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