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I came across an interesting theory in my head the other day, that when a President wins the seat, "they" get to be claimed by "their" group. thusly it's also a win for that group, gender, party, religion, etc... well, if a transgender woman won the presidency, let's say, Katelin Jennar. (she's mentioned running, yes) and upon inoguration, claims the win as the first WOMAN President. who gets to claim that one? first woman President? feminist/straight win first trans/lgbt President? gay win the list goes on... you have to admit, it would surely start a war between AT LEAST "natural birth" women, and trans women. they'd both be trying to claim it, and deep down baby makin women would be REALLY pissed! unable to show their true colors cuz of the PC world they themselves helped create! WOW!, what an awesome paradox of events that would undoubtedly unfold! as for me, im a femanist 1st. and I roll my eyes when I hear katelin joke about being the first "WOMAN" pres. and not trans pres. so I side with women here. a trans woman claiming that, is still a win for the men, no matter how u "SLICE" it.- (puny sex change joke there)

popcorn anyone?

JayFlight 5 Feb 9

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With gender being no longer certain and static, it may be a poor tool for grouping.


It would cause controversies over semantics. Lol

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