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Under this president we need to be very very causious about protecting journalism for the future. Journalism also needs to shed the big ownership papers and tv channels and get back to being the investagators of political and corporations we are faced with.The rules that prevented monopolies need to be addressed or we will wind up with ten corporations ruling our lives.

Marine 8 Nov 20

Enjoy being online again!

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You ain't wrong brother!



Massive issue.
I mean the current situation makes it easy for me to not apply for citizenship but it is really scary. People wearing shirts rather be Russian than liberal I wonder if a fascist state is an actual possibility. Some people's bubbles are entirely too small. I wish people understood that "liberals/progressives" built this country they are so intent on destroying
However education is a massive problem too and the fact everyone can afford to be healthy all the time.

Not everyone is happy or healthy and the latter does not need to exist in this weathy country.

@Marine Agreed. The education system getting fixed and giving everyone an equally good education regardless of how much their parents spend on it would help immensely. Such a massive knowledge and understanding gap in this country for all the wealth it has.

@maxhyde Some states are toying with teaching creationism and this would place these students at a disadvantage when it comes to science. Others are allowing bible studies and religious groups to use public buildings. These are all against the separation of church and state.


It was Clinton with cooperation between the Dems and Republicans that paved the way for the Telecommunications Bill and the rise of far wing talk radio. Yes, the democrats hold equal blame for the rise of the Tea Party loonies.

"The Brainwashing of My Dad"

Agree but it is time to correct these nuts and the ownership of tv and papers by a few owners. They are a monopoly

@Marine I agree...but when both parties consistently take action against the freedom of the people, and the people willingly take it up the arse...chances are slim to none. Both parties know the rule of divide and conquer...and as long as both party's politicians continue to reap the perks, there won't be change. They will just tell their respective followers you don't understand the complexities and they are doing what's in our best interest, and the masses will continue to drink the kool-aid.

@jondspen this is where journalism onced helped the population and since we have monopolistic ownership of tv and papers this type of journalism has been driven to books which to many people do not read.


Monopolies once were all to be of the same type of business.. However today they are comprised of multiple businesses that are choking out Mom and Dad businesses and giving us little alternatives. The malls are dieing and on line purchases are going through the roof. People are being forced to use computers to do business from personal banking to buying groceries.This has left many of the older generation in total darkness and this is sad. With all the knowledge out there there must be a way to stop these huge monopolies from dominating our lives. It was once thought that large corporations could provide advances that small companies could not . Today the large corporations have a strangle hold on the population and can control prices and provisions to their own liking.


Just to add, remember that he is the first President to discuss on the campaign trail a change to the first amendment in years, aside from the burning flag issue.

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