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Starman, Starman, Where Art Thou Going, Starman?...

phxbillcee 10 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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The whole 'car in space' spectacular has all the religiously motivated 'flatearthtards' knotting up their knickers and proclaiming FAKE FAKE !

They have their hero tho, in the "gang that couldn't shoot straight" rocket-man that "can't seem to get it up"! Gonna shoot off his rocket & prove the earth is flat, whenever he can launch, that is!

Ah yes. I've heard about him. Is he dead yet ?


If I am understanding this, there is now a Tesla with a dummy sitting in it flying into space.It took me a while but I think this is pretty funny

Yeah, it is the test payload from the Falcon Heavy rocket (by SpaceX), debut launch. Later this year, now that they've proved they can successfully launch, there will be paying customers sending things into space.

Yeah, they usually use just inert material, like concrete blocks, for test loads. Elon Musk figured that the roadster w/ "Starman" would be great for generating publicity. He was right!

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