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Can I get a show of hands. Who is pro and who is anti trump.

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darien75 7 Nov 23

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Cadet Bone Spurs lacks any modicum of intelligence that I would expect from a 4 year old. He has not cleaned the swamp but made it deeper and greedyer! Nor has he solved any problem that existed before, and there were a lot of them. The only group that is ahead is the 1%.

BillF Level 7 Nov 23, 2018

For the life of me I cannot understand any women who are Pro The Orange Marmalade.

@darien75 Some women are other womens downfall.


I have been anti Trump for years. He is a phony and a con man who uses others to profit for himself while not caring how the others suffer. Read about his 6 bankruptcies and the smaller contractors who suffered. As a veteran his long string of anti veteran actions and remarks are despicable. Just one example (real news, not well known, but factual) in 92 he sued to keep disabled vets from running food carts in Manhattan because it wouldn't look nice. He lost. Still what kind of man does that? He uses the military as a political pawn, and hasn't visited any military units deployed in war zones (a craven chickenhawk. And if anyone says it is because he opposed the wars, then get the troops the hell out, and note that Obama voted against the wars as a Senator and visited Afghanistan and Iraq)


I am not pro Trump. However, I am vehemently against the current regressive leftism and, ironically, the crony capitalism of the Democratic party.


He lacks everything I admire in people: intelligence, decency and honesty.

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