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I don't believe in A god as described in the bible but I believe there is something. A feeling if that's what you prefer to call it that has taken people in a way to the point of making them willing to die for it. Almost like a cult way but on a MUCH larger and far reaching way.
There is a fuel, force..... Will that keeps people living, experiencing, falling in love again and again and believing even in the impossible.......
Everyone has a name for it.......
Mines soul. What's yours?

Bonnie95 3 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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What people are willing to die for is not much of an indicator of its validity. People make huge personal sacrifices, up to and including their lives, for all sorts of sublime AND ridiculous things, all the time. They die for their country in battle. They die for authoritarian nutjobs like David Koresh or Jim Jones or ideologies like radical Islam. They shun close family members who are apostates or deviants from their particular accepted norms -- effectively killing them off so far as they are concerned. The argument that there must be something to a belief that so entrances people that they are willing to die for it, does not hold water. Unless a Christian is willing to say that a suicide bomber validates Islam by their logic, I don't buy the notion that the early church must have offered something real because people were willing martyrs to it.

As for my name for what keeps people taking a licking and yet keep on ticking ... it is rationalization. All you have to do is figure out some way to convince yourself that the effort you input into your existence is worth the outputs you get from it. Or at least, it is if you write off your past suffering as sunk cost.

It's my view that life isn't a rational proposition, but it doesn't really have to be. I write off my past suffering as sunk cost, I know I'm doing it, and that the overall sum total of efforts / intentions vs outcomes doesn't add up. But I've decided that it doesn't HAVE to. I have people I love and that love me, interesting things to do, promises to keep, and I can enjoy today. It's really that simple. No hocus pocus needed.


Sometimes I have a strong feeling of being watched. The name for that is "illusion". The same thing an illusionist uses for entertainment, or a con artist uses for profit.

A strong feeling of being watched is also known as paranoia. As a heightened awareness a certain amount of paranoia is normal. Go beyond that and you have a problem.


One word: passion.

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