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Relationship minded, what besides being a nonbeliever, are your must haves, and what are your deal breakers?

A lot of us joined hoping the dating site aspect of this site might pay off. what besides being an atheist/agnostic, are your must haves? physical? hobbies? interest?political?etc.

MichaelSpinler 8 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Hmm. Similar values and interests are important. If he isn't of good character, we aren't going to get along well. My values tend to lead naturally to my political beliefs, so those need to be compatible as well. I absolutely love discussing and sharing books, and I NEED my reading time - I don't know that a non-reader could actually appreciate that. Making music together is beautiful, so I find that I'm very much attracted to musicians. Dating non-gamers seems to lead to differences of opinion regarding how we should spend our time. Non-smoker, no illicit drugs, and an active sense of humor are vital.

I used to have a physical "type" but that isn't so true any more. And finally, I want someone who is truly attracted to me - not "putting up with" my body type, OR fetishizing it.


Non smoker. healthy living . Libertarian left, funny, kind, wicked sense of humour,not bothered what they look like - but I have been in a relationship with him for over 25 years now


All those things a woman would be stoned to death for if we followed the bible would be perfection to me. No pressure @sadoi

Dav87 Level 6 Feb 11, 2018

stoned...??? looks around did someone say "woman" and "stoned" and "Sadoi" in one post???! IM THERE!!!!!

Its okay darling! you Already know im a Heathen! 😉


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