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Any home wine or beer brewers out there?

What are your top tips and recipes?

diabhal 7 Feb 11

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Made beer in the past, still brew a nasty ginger beer.


I haven't, but my daughter used to make her own beer, and it was very popular with her 20-something crowd.

The first wine, or any alcoholic drink, I ever tasted was homemade berry wine made by the husband of an old friend. I was only 15 yrs old, and a missionary kid (MK) and he didn't think I'd drink it, but I did. It was so delicious I thought my taste buds would overdose, but had to pretend I didn't notice anything special.

I was disappointed in store-bought wines I bought later as an adult - compared to that berry wine, they tasted like mouth wash.


I used to brew lots of beer. Then I discovered how to make mead, and now I don't brew beer very much these days. I had a particularly good recipe for a wheat beer with ginger. I don't remember what kind of hops I used (probably Cascade) but I chopped up a small ginger root and boiled that in the water before adding the malt and hops. Of all the beers that I brewed, that one was the most popular and sought after among all my friends.


No, but I wouldn’t mind growing some weed.

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