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Any non-conformists out there?

I was just wondering if non-conformity plays any part your non-belief or is it just me. All my life I have struggled to conform at school, churches, clubs, etc., for any length of time. It just rubs me up the wrong way. I don't want to be like a sheep, but I also don't want to be hermit.
Are you a non-conformist?

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GothRik 7 Oct 27

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I am absolutely a nonconformist. Our bandwagon, rat race, club joining, blindly patriotic, closed minded, Jesus worshipping, easily manipulated society is the definition of insanity to me.


My mom called me a non conformists very often as I was growing up. It wasn't because I just wanted to be obstinate, it was because I questioned and used logic. When I was very young and was told to do something, I didn't say no, I said, "Why?"


Id say yes, most of the time.


Don't pray, don't vote, don't pledge, don't stand, just don't.


I'm such a non-conformist, I won't even conform to non-conformity.

Dylan Level 5 Oct 27, 2017

Doh! Should've read the other replies before adding my own... I don't non-conform 'properly' either, I don't wear enough black for starters 🙂



Yes. I follow my own path. I've always been the circle among a room of squares.

SamL Level 7 Oct 27, 2017

I am not a noncomformist just to be different. I just follow what I feel is right and what makes sense to me. I have never felt comfortable being a blind follower. I never really cared do be popular or do the popular thing unless it was also something I wanted to do.
It is why I question everything... It is what what is natural to my curious analytical mind.

DeiP Level 5 Oct 27, 2017

Yes, I was the 6 year old in gym class that when told to march around in a circle to the right choose to march to the left. In class when told something I knew was wrong I always pointed that fact out to the class.

Did you ever get any trouble or friction because of it?

All the time, I even got the strap for it, but even that did not deter me as wrong is wrong.


The times I feel like I belong are few and far between. When I'm making music with others. Or acting on stage, and being among other "oddballs" that seem to be drawn to performance.

The rest of the time I feel like I never quite fit. I have become an expert recluse !

And yet people seem to really like being with me. Go figure ...

"people seem to really like being with me" that would be because you are different, you present a fresh outlook on things and that makes you interesting. If everyone thought the same, it would be a boring stagnant world, which is what the mainstream is appearing to achieve, especially with governments and the media.


I'm also a naturist/nudist. I think public nudity shoudl be generally legal as long as a person is not doing anything with the intent of sexually arousign either themselves or anyone else.. In other words, naked but still family friendly.

Social contract

Social contract? Soecity and social contracts can change. Societies evolve.


I don't conform to a lot of things on what society expects on many issues or ways of thinking. I don't stand for the flag, I don't go to weddings that are inside a church, I boycott stores during the holidays as much as possible, I walk my walk & if people accept me for who I am, then they are friends of mine otherwise, I personally don't care what people think.


I am a non conformist because I question! Almost everything, including myself. I have never been the type to just go along with anything, on the words of "because I/they Say So". And Timothy McVeigh is my hero.


It depends on the situation, non-conformity isn't my main reason for my non-belief, I see no evidence that god exists. However I will go along with other things that I agree with or accept as true.


"We are all individuals!" From the back, "I'm not."

"Only the real messiah would deny his own divinity". ????


A non-conformist is more of a free thinker than a conformist. Conformists restrict their lives to the norm, non-conformists expand into the new norm.
For me personally, I have such fun in life warping traditional behavior patterns through humor. It's a wonderful feeling of freedom you get when your not being held back by the average, break free and be in the moment you want and always with a smile.
Who cares what others think, it is you that is in control of yourself. When others see and feel your sense of freedom, you will have friends that understand you and will be beside you.


I've always thrived on being the rebel of the family, and questioning everything- it's really in my nature, and I've learned to embrace and celebrate the fact that I think differently from the average person.

I am the black sheep in my family (I'm the only one who didn't join the military). Normally I am a quiet rebel, being that I am a pacifist and hate confrontation, my only weapons are reason and respect. However there are times, when I feel very strongly about a principle, I can explode.


I am not a nonconformist just for the sake of it, but I have found that for most situations I would be considered nonconformist.


There needs to be a Most of the Time. Sometimes I have to conform - because it’s the nature of being in education (that statement makes me cringe). I have to pick and choose what is no big deal for me and follow the pack. For example - I cover my tattoos at work. I’m an administrator, so it’s expected. I don’t care if teachers cover theirs. I think dress code is stupid, but I follow the admin dress code. Mostly because I like my job and don’t want to be unemployed and homeless....


Some of the time.
I suppose it depends on my level of interest and how far I can bend the rules before I face any real consequences.
I never went to church, so I didn't have that problem.
In high school, it was a combination of non-conformity and trying to fly under the radar and not draw any attention to myself.
Sometimes I'd much rather be alone than with a group, but not necessarily all the time.


Yes I'm a non-conformist just like all you guys & girls!

Paul Level 5 Oct 27, 2017

I'm not a non-conformist or at least that's not a label I use for myself. I have always been independent though so perhaps that's a factor.


I wouldn't want to conform to the non-conformists standards.


Yes I am, and I don't apologize for it. That doesn't make me a hermit. PLENTY of things to do in life that don't require conformity. You just have to find what you enjoy.


I don't know any other way.

Neither do I.


As atheists we are living our lives different from the norm, in this country at least. I would love to see more people become atheist so I could then be a conformist.

gearl Level 8 Oct 28, 2017
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