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LINK The 11 Dimensions EXPLAINED - YouTube

Hello everyone!

So higher dimensions - this helped me to see a better picture of existence in my opinion. It helped me to get a perspective that we all live in a parallel universe of an infinite amount of universes, according to the Many Worlds Interpretation, Quantum Mechanics and String Theory.

Which, practically speaking, there exists God/god, multiple Gods/gods, and none at the same time basically. For me, Quantum Superpositioning is fascinating. Look at Schrodinger's Cat. Maybe due to the Many Worlds Interpretation and higher dimensions, we all may be in a infinite superposition that has been observed. And not observed at the same time.

Fascinating stuff. I included just one video about this, by the YouTube Channel "Sciencephile the AI." I love this dude; I am actually the top tier supporter for his work. I have a personalized video made by Sciencephile about a few topics. I personally would like whoever reads this post to try Sciencephile out; the videos are pretty funny, having an optimistic nihilist perspective. Try to find which video is mine smile001.gif

RYSR10 6 Nov 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Sorry. It's a bit hard for me to get this. I don't understand it at all.

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