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Given the state of healthcare and obesity rate, no surprise.


The US is way down on the list of life expectancies. A big part of the problem is our dismal national health situation. At one time Okinawa had the highest life expectancy. Then came along the god U.S.A military and brought in all it's fast food. The life expectancy rate especially among the younger generation went way down.


Well half of it’s self induced while 1/4 is being sponsored by the media and has become socially acceptable and the other 1/4 could easily be prevented by our government.

But this America so stop watching those people die and buy something before you have to go back to work and if you don’t like your life then just watch the Kardashian’s.
You don’t like your country well trump will tweet something.

But whatever you do just don’t ever look behind the curtain because our country will lose.


I cannot access the link. It refuses to allow anyone in Europe access! UTTERLY STUPID!!!

It doesn't want you to know how badly we are doing. ☹️

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