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Hate speech

Is indoctrination of the feeble-minded(religion) hate speech?

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Dirp84 4 Dec 1

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no. it may be a hateful thing to do but it is not hate speech.



Its cruel


No, it is not. Some churches teach tolerance and good will to all men. No all but some. We cannot condemn all for the foibles of a few. Even the evangelicals have something good to say about giving to the poor, especially during the “holiday season.”


Ehh religion in general no but in certain places YES!!
Just saying the klan wouldn’t be the without their Christian interpretation of the history of religion.


It probably leads in that direction.. Or at least sets up the social dynamics that allow it. Most organizing needs a nemesis, around here, it’s aggressive religion and politicians. For them, it’s likely us, and reasonable politicians...

Varn Level 8 Dec 1, 2018

I doubt it. The ones doing the indoctrination often believe their own nonsense. The ones who know they are living from lies are conmen.
What about these religious leaders who decry homosexuality? Is that hate speech? I don't think so. We all think some ways of life are less than ideal.


I've always had a bit of a problem with the entire idea of hate speech. And, especially, with hate crimes. A crime is a crime. If I kill someone, I killed someone. You shouldn't be able to charge me differently depending on what I happened to be thinking at the time that I killed them.

So, to your point, there's no such thing as hate speech. Just as there is no such thing as a bad word. Words are just words. They have no more or less import than that that we give them.

Maybe not hate speech, but speech can be illegal.
Screaming fire in a crowded public theater is illegal in some places. Why? Because it could cause public harm. Just like yelling at someone in a brawl to KILL, KILL should & could be considered an accessory to murder. Not all speech should be allowed, but it is a very slippery slope.

@powder whereas I would probably be inclined to call it incitement to take action through. The term hate speech is just designed to be scary language.


Street preachers piss me off, can't they leave people alone or just go to the andaman islands

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