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A man who say many words about his love for you, will prove you soon that there are just words, nothing more.. True or false?

Sensiwoman7 6 Dec 3

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True...because wisdom speaks, intelligence listens, but the loudest of all are empty vessels 😉

Titus Level 2 Feb 23, 2019

Some yes, some no. Actions always speak louder.


neither true nor false. some men love you for real but don't say it. some men love you for real and do say it. some men say it but don't really love you. how can you say there is one answer, as if all men are the same?



Great question but you should have posted this as a POLL.


It depends on the man, doesn't it? Definitely true for some, false for others.


Words mean nothing if they are not backed by actions.

ABack Level 6 Dec 3, 2018

We are a very large encyclopedia...every page is a different story


All too often, unfortunately, but it depends on the individual, I suppose.

skado Level 9 Dec 3, 2018
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