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What does an *equal opportunity* lender or employer actually mean?

I'm Canadian (as most of you know) and have been accused of not knowing about the US and to butt out of certain subject and discussions by certain members here because I am Canadian.

I travel in the US regularly and have heard equal opportunity on radio commercials but I don't know what it means (of why it needs to be said is more accurate). Is there a law that mandates this?

Lukian 8 Dec 5

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As I understand it, the EEO means that there can be a lawsuit if an employer/banker discriminates when hiring. Or lending.

It is a law at the federal level, but a state may have its own laws too.


Equal opportunity generally refers to a policy that does nto discriminate. To announce it in commercials is not a legal obligatin so much as it is an attempt at good public relations. By dayign they are equal opportunity they hope peopel will think better of them and give them more of their business with mroe frequent patronage. Sometimes they wish to diversify their workforce more too, and it is meant as an encouragement for minorities to apply.

While there are many anti-discriminatory laws on the books, enforcing them is yet another matter. Many companies still discriminate for women, racial minorities, cultural minorities and against LGBT persons. In some states some kinds of discrimination is still legal. Companies that operate in many sates and have locations in states where discrimination is legal, want to advertise that they do not discriminate for puropses of public image and perception.

Most (legal) discrimination in the U.S. that still takes place are against women and LGBT persons. However, there is still p0lenty or discimination against racial and religious minorities including atheists.

so it screams that a competitor discriminates but not the one declaring it.

@Lukian More like it screams even though we located many of offices in those places that discriminate (because labor is cheaper) . we choose not to discriminate ourselves.


I believe that there are laws that mandate it. There are always ways around laws. If the Company or financial institutions want to it can be just a way to protect their * ASterick. We do not discriminat based on color, creed, race, belief. etc... all of that..

hmm, so companies have to get out of their way to say that they don't discriminate? Does that mean some do discriminate legally? Strange...

@Lukian usually the companies have to go out of their when when they get certain funding. or they are a government agency. It's mandated to have those statements.


is that called sarcasm?

Call it whatever you want. Google is an easy way to find answers to questions such as these. I think people forget the amount of information that exists online. I call it a reminder. 😀

@CaroleKay Don't need a reminder. Played that game many times but I was looking more for an social interpretation rather than a legal interpretation but thanks anyway.
Seems legally churches are allowed to discriminate because Catholic churches would rather not hire Muslims for example.

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