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Why does the site still show posts of people that have blocked me or I blocked them? It's sort of annoying to click on a link to get some sort of bullshit message. The bullshit is more offensive than direct honesty, for example: you cannot view this post because you have been blocked instead of beating around the bush.

Atheistman 6 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I've had the same issues which has been hard on me as the interactions were emotionally traumatic to me


As @ScienceBIker guessed, are you referring to seeing alerts/notices of people you've blocked (or perhaps have blocked you)? It's correct that the alert code is currently not checking the blocking code... I'll work on that tomorrow.

Admin Level 9 Feb 14, 2018

Can you give me an example username and post? I'm happy to debug and fix the blocks. Thanks!

Admin Level 9 Feb 13, 2018

@Atheistman Ah, thanks for the info. I think we need to add block checks in groups. Will add it now.

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