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Anyone into genealogy?

Annaleda 8 Feb 14

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I have been doing it for twenty plus years. My Auntie taught me.

I’ve found many family members. I’ve only been stumped on my Father’s father’s side. My McAdam branch. We just disappear around 1775. 😟

On my Father’s Mom’s side, I can go back to the 1600’s. Same on both branches of my Mom’s side.

My favorite records are ship manifests. They give you so many details. Even physical descriptions. 🙂


did the genome project through national geographic. way cool getting the map of the world with the route my father's [ irish] tribe took from the rift valley and my wife's father [ croation]


My sister supposedly has ours traced back to the time of Cleopatra (I'm not really convinced though). I have had mine tested just out of curiosity. Apparently I'm mostly Scandinavian and have Neanderthal markers.


The Mormons did mine

I recently found my grandmothers family through dna. We only had a name before that. They are/we’re Mormons. That is a crazy belief system there.

@Annaleda yes maam. I am not mormon related but they do genealogy in order to somehow baptize souls into the faith after death


I have used extensively with success.

I will add that the further you can go back with great-grandparents, the more successful will be, at least that was my case.

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