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Manifesting reality

A question that has bothered me for some time goes like this: As I understand reality the consensus thoughts of people gradually form our perceived reality. Probably not worded correctly but hopefully you get the gist. I’m not even sure if this is true but I’ve been told endlessly by fairly annoying people that this is the case. Our world is a construct of our beliefs. So does the myriad thoughts, prayers and earnest beliefs of millions of, say, Christians over the centuries make a reality of Jesus, miracles and ultimately God? Bit disturbing if true but of course it would work the other way, loads of atheists and their beliefs brings the whole construct crashing down...

thesnoringman 4 Dec 12

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There’s an actual exercise where the speaker actually tell a series of lie while nodding their heads and eventually the crowd will start nodding their heads as well.
Then the speaker would tell a series of truths while shaking their head and eventually the crowd would shake their heads as well.

It goes to prove that once people have their attention captured their minds are vulnerable as well and once you have those then your reality will soon become theirs.

That’s interesting indeed, wonder how far that could go...

@thesnoringman It sells cars and supplemental insurance all day everyday. So if you’re ever in front of one just watch the head motions.


I don't think your fairly annoying people are right.

Ha ha, thanks Coffeo, suspected that...


one can only hope.

note that "perceived" is the operational word in your understanding. perceptions can change, and not ONLY by mass movement. one can wake up to objective reality, assuming we're not all dreaming ourselves and each other; it is certainly paralyzing to imagine so, so we assume the pavement or farmland underour feet is real and keep walking. given that little caveat and tossing it aside, ideas aren't things. things are things. it's okay to keep knowing there are no gods, even though other people imagine there is at least one.


Thanks genessa, that’s maybe the nub of the question. Ideas aren’t things but in my understanding of the argument ideas can evolve into things such as the world we perceive. Occam and his razor would have a stiff reply to that! Simpler to just have ideas and things existing separately although I doubt if I or anyone could prove that. Just as hard to prove the opposite perhaps...

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