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What were the major turning points in your life?

Marine 8 Feb 14

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Losing my mother then 10 years later my youngest brother. Having twins daughters at 35 then a son at 42. Divorced at 52 then ex died a year ago. Then second best was retirement only after my kids.


At 16/17 left home and school and began work
21 bought 1st house and got married
26 & 28 had kids
29 retired
35 separated
36 rejoined work force
43 semi retired
51 rejoined workforce
54 semi retired


Circa 1988 I was a college freshman, I decided to read the Bible cover to cover to really get to know it. That backfired.

Circa 1997 I read "Demon Haunted World."

2002&3 I read all the new atheist books coming out post 9/11.

DHW really did transform how I saw the world and approached knowledge. And in so changed my entire life.


Walking across the United States in 1990 as part of A Global Walk for a Livable World. There were about 100 of us on and off. Quite amazing to see the country at 15-20 miles a day, starting at the beach in Santa Monica and ending at the United Nations in New York City.

Getting married

Becoming a parent

Going back to school in my 40s to earn a Master's in education and become a teacher

Having my marriage end and seeing the world as a wide open canvas.............

Oh yes, and seeing the Grateful Dead 54 times


When at the age of eight, the most compassionate, wise, loving man, my father, died, leaving me to figure out the rest of the people in this world alone. Then, at 46, I finally extricated myself from these people and got a much needed divorce. I finally started my journey becoming me and becoming truly alive. It was a hard journey but so necessary. it was filled with a lot of loneliness and pain recovering and the joy of creativity. Then at age 77 I found the man of my dreams and had five glorious years with this wise, loving compassionate man until he died. I am blessed to have had these two earth angels in my life. They were extraordinary.


Learning to drive at 11 (leading to a 47 year career as truck driver)
Moving out of my parents home at 15.
Joining the Navy at 17.
Taking LSD at 26.
Spending 3 years on the road. (27-30)
Taking a course in assertiveness.
Many experiences as a phyconaught. (~300)
Becoming an agnostic/atheist.


I will tell you when me and her meet face to face and what we do afterwards.


Moving from hometown to my current state
Becoming a foster parent
Death of my mother 4 days after telling her I was pregnant with first child
Having my fraternal twins emergently delivered 2 months early
Death of my father 1 year after twins birth
Death of my marriage by way of him "coming out of the closet" to me
Being attacked/human bite at my job ultimately changing the course of my career due to diagnosed PTSD from the incident.


Getting pregnant at 16
Death of grandmother at 23
Death of father at 30
Cancer at 44

I could list all the aftermath- some of which took time to manifest but most of the changes in my life both good and bad stem from those events.

  1. Becoming born again
  2. Becoming a parent
  3. De-conversion

Leaving school and being alone for the first time in my life at nearly 40


There were serveral in my life time. My first came with my mother when I told her never to attempt to strike me again. She never did. The second is when I felt I truly became a man Joining the Marine Corps. The latter thought more about life than all the catholic teaching together did. I learn about race relations,taking total care of my actions and being responceable. Third was marriage and the challenges to living with another person for 57 years. Fourth was becoming a parent and it's demands. Fifth and most difficult was getting along in the workplace, working with people of different standards,those who always saw the worse things and were always negative. The unfairness some managers imposed regarding promotion etc. Sixth was health conditions and dealing with constant pain which greatly impacted my life and that which I was able to do verses wanted to do.

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