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Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity Work Together to Rewire Neural Circuitry

This research shows how the birth of new neurons can reshape our brains.

"During this state-of-the-art study on mice, neuroscientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) found that the combination of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity caused less-fit older neurons to fade into oblivion and die off as the sprightly, young newborn neurons took over existing neural circuits by making more robust synaptic connections."

In the future, it's possible that cutting-edge research on neurogenesis and neuroplasticity could lead to finely-tuned neurobiological treatments for ailments such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and dementia. In a statement to UAB, Overstreet-Wadiche said,

"Over the last 10 years there has been evidence supporting a redistribution of synapses between old and new neurons, possibly by a competitive process that the new cells tend to 'win.’ Our findings are important because they directly demonstrate that, in order for new cells to win connections, the old cells lose connections.

So, the process of adult neurogenesis not only adds new cells to the network, it promotes plasticity of the existing network. It will be interesting to explore how neurogenesis-induced plasticity contributes to the function of this brain region.

Neurogenesis is typically associated with improved acquisition of new information, but some studies have also suggested that neurogenesis promotes 'forgetting' of existing memories."


VictoriaNotes 9 Feb 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Do any organs within the body play any part in storing data? Emotional data? Experiential data?


Any idea how emotions are stored and then recovered?


So if an old neuron "dies," is there a mechanism to transfer the information on it to other neurons, old or new, that would result in "continuity" of that information, or does that information "die" with the "dead" neuron - and similar I(or new) information is down-loaded or somehow synthesized from the remaining collective neurons - to somehow fill the "gap" that is somehow vacated by the departing neuron? Or is this too simple a question?


Exercise, reading, and learning new things are good and the lack of diminish neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. A question worth answering - are polar opposites on this spectrum indicative of political affiliation? I vaguely remember another observations that sensed an organic explanation for one preference = but considering other factors I think. I hope I didn't kill those brain cells learn about this 🙂

jeffy Level 7 Feb 14, 2018

Geeze... I hope all this comes true. I burned half my brain cells thinking i could be cool like James Bond drinking those vodka Marti's... shaken not stirred.... lol.


Did you see my posting yesterday? It follows along the same lines. I also cited a study at the University of Washington.

I think this site helps build neuron growth. I see this as a form of exercise for the brain. It explains a lot of how I have become more focused and even socially outgoing since I joined this site. Now all I need to to find a balance between here and other tasks.


"Through neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, it may be possible to carve out a fresh and unworn path for your thoughts to travel upon. One could speculate that this process opens up the possibility to reinvent yourself and move away from the status quo or to overcome past traumatic events that evoke anxiety and stress. Hardwired fear-based memories often lead to avoidance behaviors that can hold you back from living your life to the fullest."


skado Level 9 Feb 14, 2018

I saw or read this and I was impressed by the achievements. The second thought I had that it one step to be able to totally renew a human body, just as its brain. But don't think it will come available for "normal, average" people, yes, parts of the developments will be for well insured people for curing all kind of brain/nerve related illnesses. The rest of the development will kept secret and will come available for the billionaires that can afford the life extending treatments. So, at that point we will become ruled by a group of wealthy immortal people that only make way when they are killed beyond repair. These development opens a door behind which I suspect a scary image.

Gert Level 7 Feb 14, 2018

Wow! That would be amazing.

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