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LINK Bishop Blames The Victim, Claims ‘Immodest Dress’ Of Women Causes Sexual Assault | Michael Stone

I am aorry, but to me the act of assault is ALWAYS the fault of the person who chooses to do the assaulting.

snytiger6 9 Dec 16

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You are absolutely correct!


I wonder how he would explain sexual assault and abuse prior to 1900?

Why 'prior to 1900' ? It's been going on in the Churches even as recently as a few years ago.
As the saying goes; Q. What is the difference between Acne and a Catholic Priest?
A. Acne only comes on your face AFTER you reach puberty.


Hey, go easy on the Clergy please, like lawyers they ARE taught to lie, cheat and blame everyone except themselves.


He's probably molested a few women himself in his days, and now he's trying to rationalize it.

godef Level 7 Dec 16, 2018
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