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With that [tRump] signature, hemp will become legal nationwide. And cannabidiol (CBD) derived from hemp will become, well, a little less illegal. But not precisely legal—yet. It’s complicated.

Twisted185 6 Dec 17

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Not too complicated really. It is all about pharmas and the big bucks.


McConnell pushed this through to give his Kentucky brethren something to grow. I was shocked... He did something right for a change!


Already pretty legal when you can order it from Amazon without problems


If 45 can get involved to make his stupidity a notable stage appearance that will give him the grandeur he so desperately craves, the consider it done and to the utmost. The little boy has Yahoo, Twitter, NSMBC and Fox giving his nonsense Front Page. Complication is his only sanity next to firing competent people because being he doesn't know what he is doing will advocate an irrelevant issue for more attention.

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