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I've never been into prostilatizing my lack of religion, but I do try to stand up for what I believe to be true. It turns out my simple statement of "I am an Atheist" helped someone years ago without me knowing it. Until today.

A friend told me they were religious when they met me, but much later, events in their life made them feel differently. It was some level of support to them to know "I know someone else who is also not religious".

You never know how you can help others out just by being yourself.

AtheistSongs 4 Feb 15

Enjoy being online again!

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The consensus on this site appears to be "Waste of time" in even talking with a theist about their beliefs. I however am convinced it is never a waste of time (frustrating hell yes!) because of just what you posted. We can't know the minds of others, indoctrination is rampant, it is up to us to dispel the myths.


I think anyone can proselytize, it doesn't matter if you're religious or not, only if you believe that you are right and everyone should follow your example. To me that's so different than talking about what you believe or not believe. I know that people will listen if there's an opening for dialogue; if there's no room for that then it just shuts down communication. Some of the people I can be the most open with have differing beliefs, but we hear each other and take each other in.


That is exactly why I am with David Silverman in his assertion we should use the term atheist. We need to let others know we are out there.


Thanks for sharing that. I would hope that we all could hear that stating our position helped someone. I do believe that the more of us that openly pronounce our lack of belief the better we all will be. I feel our numbers are hugely underestimated due to the stigma of non-belief in this country (some areas are worse than others).


I overheard someone at my work tell soneone "I believe in science!" The other day. I think someone asked him aboit religion. He said it proudly and it made me happy.

MsAl Level 8 Feb 15, 2018

I don't often tell people that I'm "non-religious", but I've started to feel stronger that it is important to deal with lies. Lately, the God-pushers have gone into some terrifying territory, by turning so many things into lies. I know that by recognizing the lies they aren't going to change, but they'll at least know that lies won't work with me. That and it will make their "space" smaller, and that's necessary. We need to give their lies less space and once we do that, we can somewhat quarantine this problem.


Proselytizing was one of the things I hated about being a Christian and it sure is not going to be something I do as an atheist. But as far as talking to interested parties I am all for that. I am glad to share the comfort I find in a universe with no supernatural beings.


Thanks for sharing this.


Before working within schools, I’d volunteered amid my daughters’ classes. I could never openly promote my atheism in that realm, but the students no doubt picked up on it.. Seems in later years I’d be the trusted parent some would describe their inner feelings to. What an honor.. We make a difference.

There’d been ‘a rash’ of suicides at my daughters HS, tragic, nearly yearly events … they’d actually park in the same space before using a gun.. I often felt allowing the students I met to openly share their disbelief or frustration over the smalltown lockdown mentality gave them hope ... they loved to hear of ‘the big city!’

I’ve no doubt ‘this site’ is playing such a role, which further draws me to it 🙂

Varn Level 8 Feb 15, 2018

I've thought for a long time that we need an atheist "coming out" movement. It's too easy for religious folks to demonize us when we're perceived as unknown, but once more people realize that we've been their friends, neighbors, and coworkers for years, I think a lot of views will change.

'Me Too' 😉

I think may be an atheist coming out movement. That is why I am here.

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