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LINK Come Home (Cardinal Pell) - Tim Minchin - YouTube

Tim wrote a song about Cardinal George Pell, who was accused of sexual abuse.

Here's a link with some current news about it.

BeeHappy 9 Dec 19

Enjoy being online again!

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The first accusation on misdeeds at Melbourne cathedral had its retrial jury result reported here: []
A second accusation relating to Ballarat Diocese starts Feb or March 2019.
Interestingly this site missed the opportunity to capitalise on the issue when I photographed my T shirt hanging amongst the thousands of ribbons of sympathy tied to the metal railings around Ballarat Cathedral. The photo was removed from the general news block and hidden amongst the photographs on my profile. It should still be there....I haven't checked recently!

Thanks for the update!

@BeeHappy the photo was May 2018.

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