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LINK For all you that thought Beto O’rouke was a potential for President

I’d heard this from a couple of my Bernie friends but now it’s out.
So look at it and see for yourselves

48thRonin 8 Dec 20

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This isn't surprising. Politics is still somewhat local. In the more liberal states Beto would likely identify as a Republican. A liberal, or even centrist Democrat, would not have given Cruz a run for his money in Texas.

Well when you consider that before 1968 Texas would’ve been considered a mix of libertarian and liberal mainly because they still considered themselves as being their own country and could whatever they wanted.

But after LBJ pushed the civil rights act and Bush sr. Was pushing conservatism in the state as he was running for office all awhile Nixon was promoting the silent majority ideology through the south.

All of which has caused Texas to be a 3 way state in a 6 way country which creates a blurred line for anyone that might identified as a moderate.
Which is how I see both Beto and Kasich from Ohio but right now the democrats are in the mindset that we someone who’s going to be the extreme opposite of trump just alienate and antagonize trump’s base for all of the shit that we feel that he’s done to us by them. Which is just as wreckless and damaging to our country as a whole.

Anyway I don’t think that Beto is the right choice for president but maybe as vise president he’d be beneficial but we’ll see.


Glad he's being debunked. We've had more than our share of Trojan Horse Dems like Obama and both Clintons talking like progressives when it suits them, but actually just as much on the side of the oligarchs and corporations as the Repubs. I figured as much about this guy, glad he's being discredited early. I'm not even sure I would trust Warren and I won't trust Bernie either after he caved and backed Clinton.

I feel ya completely with exception of Bernie.
I’m in no way implying that I have the same confidence in him that 2 1/2 years ago but that day he went to the white House to meet with Obama.

Something changed that day he went in head up and with a stride and came out looking like had made clean the fucking White House.
His attitude and energy was no where the same after that.

So I can truthfully only assume but they either told him something or showed him something that was game changing.
I’ve had people say that the Russians but a bug on him when he to Moscow for his honeymoon and with that they had something potentially compromising to use against him.

Or they showed him what the bigger picture was from the real higher ups and he didn’t have the stomach for it. Either way I don’t see running again and I just hope that I’m alive long enough to hear the recording of that visit once it’s declassified.

@maturin1919 He did cave and I wanted him to run on the Green Party, which had ballot access in all states by then and had offered to let him head the ticket after the Dems screwed him. No, I wouldn't have wanted him to endorse Trump. Get your head out of the duopoly.

@maturin1919 He says as the corrupt Dems keep moving further to the right every cycle. You are right about how things are, but I will not keep settling for that with the Dems, which is why so many don't vote anymore. But I will continue to vote and bitch about the system and how things are, which is my right, because I do vote anyway, just not for parties I can't respect that don't actually represent me at all. As long as I vote for someone, I have a right to bitch. If I don't vote, I shouldn't complain. Don't waste your time or mine by replying with the usual crap about wasted votes, etc. because maybe total collapse in the US is needed to actually get us real change, just like in the Depression.

@maturin1919 Keep making excuses for him. We're done.


I have a lot of respect for Reich & don't doubt that Beto is just another career political oportunist.


Not all proposals from Democrats are worth considering. Not all proposals from Republicans are worth considering. Partisan politics rarely results in what is good for the whole. That is not saying I agree with all his votes, but I am more concerned when faced with someone who always votes along party lines -- from whatever party.

I can agree with that.
It’s just that a lot of people that I’ve spoken with have said that they’d take him over Tulsi Gabbard because she defied the Democrats and our own government.

And sadly the only thing that anyone has said about Beto is he should’ve beaten Ted Cruz.
Sorry but that’s not a qualifier for me at least.

@48thRonin -- Oh, I agree. It's just that I find party politics particularly distasteful. No way I'd take him over Gabbard.

@evidentialist We might get along then


He won't be president, but he will get in the way.

You’re probably right

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