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Why Do We Allow Blatant Bullying Here?

This is part question, part rant, and part plea.

I love this community. I love this web site. I am grateful to @admin and anybody else involved in creating this space for us. I am even more grateful that the site is ad free and free of charge.

We have some wonderful people here -- of every stripe imaginable. We have young and old, all kinds of sexual orientations, gender identities, races, ethnicities, shapes, sizes, educational background, widowed, married, partnered, poly and mono -- a freaking cornucopia of people.

The thing that brings us all together and the thing that most of us have in common is that we identify in one way or another as non-believers in the supernatural. Our own awesome space!

There are differing opinions. There are agreements. There are people who care about each other and care about this community. Just read through the threads and you will see post after post, and comment after comment, and reply after reply of support, sharing of life experiences, words of encouragement, suggestions, humor, advice, heartfelt condolences, jokes, and enthusiastic cheerleading.

An area where I see many of these strong, outspoken and compassionate members not showing up is when one of our members -- especially somebody new -- is being bullied. I'm truly sadly disappointed about that.

Time and again, I see a member verbally sparring with somebody with clearly no real purpose except to be demeaning, condescending, and flat-out mean-spirited for what appears to be NO reason except that he or she can. Being sarcastic and occasional short-fused is one thing. To belittle somebody is a whole other situation. And, when my own mouth drops, I think "Well somebody will say that is not cool." But so far, by and large, people don't and people haven't.

So, I'm curious and I genuinely want to know why don't some of us stand up for somebody who is being bullied? Why aren't some of us doing our part to say "We don't treat people that way here."?

Is it not wanting to make waves?

Is it not wanting to upset the apple cart?

Is it not wanting to lose favor with the bully?

Are you so easygoing that you simply don't recognize bullying?

Is it truly just not caring?

My personal solution has been to simply block people. But a couple of recent threads have really hit a nerve with me. I could have chosen block, but that would not have done anything for what I see as a failure on our part as a COMMUNITY. We do everything else so WELL. Why aren't we doing this?

In real life, would you let somebody behave so poorly toward another member of your family or your community -- or would you say "Not here and not today, champ!" ? I'd like to know from your OWN perspective. Not maybes. Not hypotheticals. Not "If the person can't take it...." I sincerely am interested in knowing about when YOU have seen it, and what YOUR gut reaction was, and how YOU came to the decision to just keep scrolling.

Thank you for listening and hopefully sharing your own thoughts on this. No matter what you write, I really do appreciate your sharing and your insight.

BlueWave 8 Feb 15

Enjoy being online again!

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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I haven't been bullied, per se. But I have encountered ... I'm not quite sure what to call it. When I express an opinion that isn't 100% rock solid in line with atheistic thinking, I've had people reply as if I were a flat earther or a young earth creationist. As I'm not here to argue and don't really enjoy debate as sport, I tend to respond with a joking double-down or something else that defuses. So far it's worked, but I would probably block someone if they hung onto the argument like a pit bull.

vita Level 7 May 5, 2018

I usually say something (here and everywhere else online) when I see somebody who is, in my opinion, not acting right. I try to keep it proportional to what I saw (keeping in mind that tone can be misread very easily online). It does unnerve me when I get into a spar with someone and all I hear is crickets from the rest of the community. It makes me wonder either if I'm wrong, or if I'm absolutely positive that I'm right, if a bunch of other people think I'm wrong, or maybe I'm not phrasing something very well, or if I'm crossing the line into feeding a troll, etc.

I can understand why some people block. In other communities, I have had to block if it became obvious to me that if the other person so much as saw me around, unpleasantries would happen. I try not to block because I'm perfectly capable of ignoring someone myself, and would rather see the whole flow of the conversation.

Sometimes I'm having an off moment, and recognize that it would be wiser to let someone else deal with this one this time, but that can lead to no one saying anything. I do wish that more people would speak up.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply, Elizabeth. I agree with much of what you said.


Bullying seems like it would be appropriate on a religious site, but not on one lacking it. I haven't really noticed any, but I don't spend a lot of time here.


I'm typically very selective about how much I will let anyone else have power over what kind of day I have. I just decide for myself whether someone is worth worrying about or not. However, if I really felt like I was being bullied I would do something about it. It's never acceptable


I think using the word “bully” perhaps through people off of what you were trying to get across.



I feel that it's the individuals responsibility to stand up for them self, else I would be 'ganging up' on the supposed offender, instantly becoming a bully myself. Its the internet, we all have equal voice, and power, no one needs defended by someone else.


I have not seen this. But I don't read every post.


I have a thick skin. I don't get offended easily, so probably assume others don't, off line I have often been told I have said the wrong thing. I would be the last one to notice unless it was really blatant.


I haven't noticed but to be honest, I do not read every post.

I probably only read about 1/4 of the posted threads and often do not read subsequent comments on the ones I do participate in.

Can you provide some examples?

Hi Sherry. No I’m not going to post the link to the thread that triggered me. And, the truth is, there has been more than one incident that has caused me to think “why isn’t anybody saying anything to this asshole?” The last one sent me over the edge and many responses have me wondering if I am just hypersensitive. I will have to think about that on my long ride to work.

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