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Would you rather have a horrible job, but be able to retire comfortably in 10 years or have your dream job, but have to work until the day you die?

Crimson67 8 Feb 16

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My dream job and work as long as I could. I did that for 30 years before I took ill and could not work for eight months.


If this job doesn't require working too many hours a day, I'll be glad to work this to death. For me, the ideal job is the one where you put in the least amount of time but get the most money out of it.

Since I moved to a new city, I've changed jobs many times. I really want to stop at one place and start working remotely or from the same office close to my home. Searching for jobs near me became my monthly occupation until I found my current place. I've been working here for about a year now. And you know, I really enjoy working as a florist, as weird as that sounds. I love the scent of flowers that surrounds me all the time, all day long. Plus, I help many people make gifts for their loved ones. Men come to our store to give a gift to their affiliate. Also, men come to us to give a gift to their men. And that's all wonderful and really inspires me to keep working here.


Definitely the latter.


Too late for me to answer... I am already retired.


I have done the first a number of times, always with an end date in mind.


As a software developer, I'd define "horrible job" as a "death march project", one so poorly defined, managed, and resourced, that there's zero hope of a good outcome, and usually comes with the expectation of lots of unpaid overtime, etc.

I've worked those kinds of projects. One time, I worked such a project but got combat pay for it -- an hourly rate that I still, after almost 20 years, haven't quite reached in my ordinary course of business. I endured it for two years.

On the other hand for the past decade I've had a dream client and mostly dream colleagues (with a couple of obligatory "clinkers" ).

I would rather do this until I drop, much less retire -- in preference to my "combat pay" death-march project.


What's wrong with doing what you love for the rest of your life? That sounds great to me.

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