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I have a Sister who, though I can say I love her, our lives are do divergent that we don't communicate often. And because of living at opposite ends of the East coast, we don't see one another much either. She, her husband (who I'm not particularly fond of), my three nephews and their respective wives, are all super Christians - another division.

Today I got a note on Facebook from one of the nephews, about he and his wife expecting their third child. My first reaction ? Enough already ! Do they not see an overpopulated, overburdened planet ? Do they not wonder about the lives these children will have ? Maybe it's like some regarding global warming - if you forbid anyone saying it , it will go away ...

I felt strongly enough about this issue back when I was just 24, I had my tubes tied, and never looked back. I always felt if I changed my mind - which I haven't , there are so many kids - already made - that need homes !

So, I responded to the note with some non-committal nicety , and kept my other thoughts to myself ...

Aside from some areas of the world, that have a tough time obtaining/using birth control, what are your feelings on the seemingly endless wave of babies being produced, with total abandon ?

evergreen 8 Oct 29

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I have 5 kids because my wife has a deep desire to take care and nurture kids of her own blood. She's from a 3rd world country where the more kids you have the better you're off. Now I can't imagine not having them around.
Now, my thoughts on overpopulation is a ruse. The universe has a way of balancing itself, where through natural disasters, diseases and war. We as a species have come a long way but there is still hard coded primitive instincts and one of those is "breading" as you say.

Good luck to all of you ...


Poor countries have the most babies because they lack and can't afford birth control aside from seeing another child as a huge blessing rather than an additional burden. There is also the issue of babies life expectancy in poor countries is extremely low due to lack of food, medicine and health care. So the more kids you have the more chances one or more of them will survive to adulthood or at least an age that can help support the family.

SamL Level 7 Oct 30, 2017

Thanks All, for your input. I realize part of why this sort of seemingly mindless breeding disturbs me. All my nephews and their wives, are college educated, extremely bright, engaging humans - I have to admit. And they're all well able to afford children.
And yet - the church thing. I don't know the extent of their particular beliefs. I do know science and evolution is frowned upon, and certainly abortion. Maybe birth control as well.
It's like believing in their flavor god, allows them all free passes to make more worshipers ! Oy.


We are often in awe of our potential for procreation. With all the things that need to go right to create a new human I'm in amazement that there are so many of us!!
I couldn't understand how my biological father,the sperm donor, could do his part to create six then disown and walk away from all of them including a younger sibling with severe disabilities.
For some people it's just something happens...a casualty of sexual relations.
For others who love and desire children can be a costly medical and emotional journey.
It's a profoundly life changing experience no one has the right to dictate that someone chose!
I have observed that most well-adjusted kids seem to be the ones who have been raised in an atmosphere balanced with love, discipline and a supportive extended "family" not necessarily blood relatives.
A friend of mine has 6. Both she and her husband make six figures or more so there's enough to pay for their college educations too.
I've always seen raising a family as a lifestyle choice. Birth control is a right and choice the government should not regulate or deny.
People who procreate and abandon( emotionally, financially, physically) are not fit to be parents.
I didn't want to repeat certain destructive family patterns so I chose to have my tubes tied.


I love people almost as much as I do the rest of the animal kingdom, but there seems to be similar problems when humans are placed in charge, too many unwanted dogs, cats, and human babies. We aren't afraid to reproduce, but after the miracle of birth is complete we gladly discard them as trash.

Though birth is fascinating, I never saw it as a "miracle", but merely a result of the sexual imperative. That urge that effects most all living things .

I suppose I should have set miracle in quotes. I've been in a similar discussion before. Our discussion was based on way the churches or religions think abortion is wrong (in that it kills children), but are OK with starving, abusing, neglecting, and even disposing of them once they have been born. It's difficult to not be a tad bit sarcastic when writing my replies sometimes.


I think it is either selfishness, ignorant, irresponsible or all three. Religion, again, has to take the rap for a lot of it, with the 'go forth and multiply' attitude (which is a twist from the original meaning).


I remember in the 70's, we were all concerned with overpopulation. I read a book about Margret Sanger when I was in my teens and she is my hero. No people, she did not want to eliminate black people. It's a stupid internet rumor. Anyway, we seem to have forgotten about overpopulation and everyone is back to having litters of babies that they cannot take care of, while contributing to the destruction of the planet.

thats why I chose not to have children. We forgot about overpopulation somewhere along the line or people decided it was" :third world issue"

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