20 2

Gun control? Good luck with that. They say there are more guns in America than there are people. You can't take away all those guns. Lets say you can. Where's that leave us law abiding citizens when it comes to criminals with guns. You can't change that either! I'll provide proof with 2 links below. Most common argument is that it's the right wing nut jobs with their gun rights as a problem. I disagree. Although in most cases it's a right winger with a mental issue with a gun, I'll argue. And I'll argue that issue leads back to both of our 2 party establishment politicians failure to govern. The latest incident provides a measure of proof to that by the lack of actions by the FBI, having received a number of complaints and reports, along with local authorities. Which even included screens shots of his claim preparing to do a school shooting. In many of the past incidents these people have a history of psychiatric drug need. Also a good number of them have had, or their parents have had, involvement with the FBI or CIA. I find that to be rather suspicious! Not long ago an incident was an X military man. Had a history of domestic abuse and anger issues. Again, should have had his files sent to the FBI and put on the list of gun ownership. A report I read a while back says the military is in contempt of getting these types of X military people on the list. Just a coincidence? Yea, you hear all the ugly when these incidents happen. And there's always the argument a good guy with a gun can't doesn't help. Well, that's not news worthy, because it does happen. You might get a local report that dies with the setting sun. And that's the way they like it because they don't care. Enough of that! Criminals will always get guns when they want them. Ever hear of ghost guns? They litter our communities, especially large metropolitan areas. You can send it and get a kit to make your own. If our politicians wanted to stop gun crime, legislation to stop that would be a dam good start! Or how about those made over seas that gangs buy? Come here through our ports. Been happening for decades. How many of you have heard about this? I don't think I've ever heard of a case where authorities have busted a group of people involved in gun smuggling from the Philippines such as in the one link I'm providing below. Why is that?


William_Mary 8 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Gunners seem to think their guns are part of their bodies, like they would die without their guns. And then there's this "law abiding" fairytale - every mass murderer is law abiding right up until his first kill.

The absolute refusal to allow ANY controls on gun posession, ANY limitation on the kinds of guns, ANY research on gun violence, ANY lawsuits against the manufacturers, ANY requirement for liability insurance - these are the things that will make the gun culture extinct.

Sorry man, you can live with one kidney and you can live with zero guns. Please find a hobby that doesn't cause so many deaths among law abiding innocent people.


The evidence that gun control works is evident all over the planet, so you are either not paying attention or you are not very bright. I hope it is the former.

Your insults are such a great way of expressing yourself and fact. Give me some to work with, or I'll just take your reply as you insulting yourself. As you'll find in the following article, if you actually take time to read it, not all places have an over whelming benefit from regulated gun laws as your speaking of. First you have to compare populations and then the cultures of opposing country's. Ours is quite different than any other! In cases such as Australia, it has created a boom in illegal black market guns. As the type I posted about. A means for gangs, criminals and others to get guns, also creating wealth within these groups for all the wrong reasons bad for its society. As bad for society I guess is the question. If the bubble being built pops, I guess we'll find out.

<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="forumlink">[]</a>

@William_Mary We have no problem calling someone a genius. Both are a matter of intelligence. What it is is what it is.


There used to be more passenger pigeons than people in the US and we were able to get rid of all of them. However, gun control doesn't have to get rid of all firearms to be effective. Just get rid of the guns whose sole purpose is the killing of people i.e. assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Back ground checks for all purchase and transfer transactions can also be a deterrent to gun massacres.


Some of you raise your kids with a "not your fault" mentality. Then when they go out and shoot up a school, you blame every gun owner who didn't do it. No wonder this country is so fucked up.


Every time someone says that our soldiers died for our right to bear arms, I wonder what those soldiers would think if they knew that our children are dying for that right now, too.


How gun control works:


You would be incorrect. Most mass shootings have in fact been liberals. Only a couple associated with the right wing.
Having said that, associating any of those assholes with the right or the left, with the intent to suggest they are in any way representative of that particular group is.... Well, forgive me, just fucking stupid. If that wasn't the implication, then accept my apology, but it sure did kinda look that way.

Yes, that argument works for pretty much all laws. So therefore, all laws should be abolished because criminals will simply ignore or circumvent laws. That's really smart, right? Criminals will murder people, so lets just get rid of murder laws. Makes perfects sense. Right?

@Charles1971 I assume you're referring to the meme. And absolutely you're correct. And there's a pretty good argument in opposition to many laws for that very reason. It's probably a separate discussion entirely. It becomes a question of who ever agreed to live under the authority of another human being? Do laws actually stop people from committing crimes? I always found it pretty interesting. Even the constitution is based on the assumption that the general population is compliant to a self appointed "authority".

@Taijiguy Yes, I believe that some laws do prevent crimes because people don't want to be fined or imprisoned. Other laws are in place to punish those who break the laws or make it more difficult to commit crimes. So, getting rid of laws would be harmful. Simply making a law saying that people can't have guns isn't enough at all. Making it harder to acquire and carry the guns is needed rather than laws that make it easier to get guns and allowing people to walk down the streets toting guns. Since doing nothing whatsoever isn't helping with our epidemic of mass shootings, maybe doing something, anything, is worth a shot. Doing something might actually save a few kids from being riddled with bullets in a school playground. Doing nothing certainly won't.


Well said.


If you take them all away everyone will have a lot less and throw the book at people with them. england and Australia did it successfully.

Welcome to the USA, which incidentally, isn't Awwwwwstraleeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhh. Goddamn these one dimensional comparisons are just the dumbest argument.

no there not as it is as simple as that. beats the fuck out of any argument for keeping guns. you should become religious as your unchangeable in the very same way.

@Taijiguy yea, you're the only bright penny on the site huh. You're rude as fuck. Get over yourself and learn how to control yourself to a means of debating and discussing issues in a civilized manor. Or do us all a favor and keep it on facebook. And good luck meeting any women with a character like yours.


My goal is simply... not a single bullet, not a single gun in possession of anyone not in law enforcement. Fuck hunting and collecting. Sell candy, paint or kitchenware. Anyone caught with a gun... PRISON. Ownership a Crime, Possession a Crime. Remember when Kidnapping was punishable by life in prison or death sentence? There is not a lot of kidnapping for profit going on in usa compared to other countries. Once you know is your Life Criminal... you think about it hard. Nobody needs to agree with me. Is my take. Removal of all guns off the hands of Every Fucking Body!!!

Brilliant. Let's put guns only in the hands of a small group who represent the whim and the will of the most elite of the country. What could possibly go wrong?

@Taijiguy Isn't that what you got now? What is the point of saying you own guns. And then complaint about the "whim" and the "elite". Do you think you scare them with your guns? You don't even scare criminals with a knife. You can talk 2nd amendment all you want. Here is the result "Saint Valentine Day Massacre" 17 Death. Go ahead keep whining and complaining about the "elite" and the "whim" while your hold dearly to your guns.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Actually, I can prove that your statement is false: All of these mass shootings have taken place within gun free zones. That doesn't mean some haven't tried in ares where concealed carry is allowed, but they typically end up in a body bag with few or no other casualties. And if you think the elite don't recognize the risk in having an armed population, you don't have to look back very far in history to see that pretty much every dictator in history started by disarming his population. The "elite" didn't become "the elite" by being stupid.

@Taijiguy Mr Ignoramus. You can not prove me that every massacre happened in a gun free zone. I just gonna have to ignore you again. Not the first time... but nice bandana!!! ...and your dog dressed up with a human shirt was a nice touch. Cool.

@GipsyOfNewSpain ah. Ad hominem.quell surprise.

@Taijiguy *quelle


As I have posted elsewhere, guns should be treated just like cars.

You need to purchase a gun ownership license that is renewable every 5 years. To get this license, you need to take a 40 hour class which includes gun range time (like kids need to have 40 hours of driving before they get their driver’s license). And pass a gun safety test. The test would be administered every 5 years.

Each gun needs to be registered, just like a car. No selling of your gun without the title transfer using a public notary. None of this buy at a gun show crap.

You need to buy insurance for each gun, just like a car. The insurance money would go to victims of gun violence. More gun violence every year? Higher rates on gun insurance.

Threats of violence, brandishing a weapon in public, and other stupid actions are ‘points’ assessed against your license that NEVER GO AWAY. After 12 points, your gun license and all your guns are confiscated.

No stockpiling of ammunition. You have a lifetime limit, like health insurance. Once you reach your limit, you are done. No one ever needs 60,000 rounds of ammo in the bunker.

Possesing an unregistered weapon is an automatic 30 day jail sentence and forfeiture of the weapon, no questions.

Felony convictions void your gun license.

If you make people responsible for their guns and make keeping them more expensive, then people would own fewer of them and you wouldn’t have this stupidity every week.

I guess you didn't take any time to watch my video from Underworld Inc. You're worried about a majority of law abiding citizens over a majority of the real problem. You're covering issues that have been thrown at politicians for years that hit a brick wall and fall to hell. If you want to see your ideas brought to fruit, help people like me bring in the Green Party and kill the 2 party establishment and the deep state that owns them.

@William_Mary And we in Australia heard all the same arguments. And yes our crims still have guns and still shoot people. But gun deaths are WAY down. Accidental shootings since gun control came in can be counted on the thumbs of one foot. Gun homicides are rare and massacres almost non existent. This despite the fact that we have a gun ownership rate of 24 per person. Not exactly a disarmed country. The crims with guns keep a very low profile precisely because ghost guns are hard to get hold of and highly valued. You use them for special occasions. This is because gun ownership is tightly controlled. Law enforcement no longer has no-go zones because our cities are no longer armed to the teeth. You start the process and it becomes self reinforcing.

@RobAnybody I'm glad it's working for you over there.

@William_Mary "deep state" - lol.

@AtheistInNC laugh all you want. Feel free to remain blind as many are waking up to the truth. Your grand children will be the one's effected by the blissful ignorance's of allowing to let these people to go continually unchecked. As funny as you might view me, then I find you sad.

@William_Mary No, I didn't watch all the video. Anyone with a camera can make their own "documentary " now, so I believe your video as much as I believe in UFOs and the "deep state". Hogwash.

@AtheistInNC then I look forward to you avoiding my post from now on. You rude closed minded bitch.


Prohibition, even with the scofflaws, still saw an incredible decline in alcohol consumption.


okay so the uk and australia did this:

and no more gun massacres. Why not try? Is your child's life worth it? My kids are worth it!


Nope. Gun control is effective; the empirical evidence of such is irrefutable.


God damnit it's not about taking anyone's fucking weapons away! It's about preventing more weapons from getting into the wrong hands! Most of us don't care if you own a metal dick surrogate for security or fun or hunting or whatever you want them for. Keep 'em. Keep 'am all! What we want are the means to prevent the wrong kind of people getting them too and shooting up 30 some odd elementary school children, or a fucking country music festival or a congressional charity baseball game. We want the means to stop that! It's all we reasonable people want!
You characterize It as us wanting to take your weapons away and if you really believe that's the end goal you're too paranoid or too stupid to be owning them anyway. We want weapons registered for YOUR safety AND MINE! We want better background checks. Waiting periods. We want to end the sale of assault weapons to civilians with no qualifications for owning them. We want a requirement of private firearms between two people too be treated the same as a sale at the damn gun store. Taking away your guns is the last thing we want to do but if you keep denying us any kind of safety measures at all we just fucking might come for them as a last resort.

You need to join my group, Gun Control Now

For the most part, I like your reply. Other than it seems to be directed at me!?! I'm pretty sure none of my post is a call for taking anyone's guns away. If so, feel free to direct me to that part so I can reword or change it. I'm a gun owner with a CCW as is Mary. I don't plan on going quietly if I or we find ourselves in a situation to which is slowly taking over our society.

@William_Mary Sorry I lost my cool but at the start of your post you mention it would be hard to take all the guns away - I did not get past that. I own guns too but I don't have a ccw or anything and all I have are bolt action hunting rifles (a .22 and a .308 ). I see "take guns away" and I lose it sometimes because no sane person ever says that and means it. It's like people are talking two different languages.
In general nothing I said was aimed precisely at you but at the whole 'no gun control' faction as a whole.


I prefer Australia's and England's way of doing things. It works. How many mass shootings have they had in the last 10 years? Fewer than we've had in the last week.

ummm, they have terrorist attacks. Those aren't mass killings?

@William_Mary Sure they have terrorist attacks. So do we in the U.S. but the number of people senselessly murdered by guns is a tiny fraction of what it is in the U.S.

In the U.S. there are mass shootings on a weekly basis and it gets worse every year. For years we've tried doing NOTHING and that isn't working. Thoughts and prayers haven't worked. Maybe trying SOMETHING to reduce the number of children riddled with bullets at public schools is better than doing nothing.

Australia and the UK tried SOMETHING and it actually helped. I guess they're smarter than we are or they simply care about human lives more than we do.


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Written by a Vet

You need to join my group Gun Control Now

Yes, that is interesting. I agree with his opinion on assault rifles to a degree. I believe we surely need more background checks towards mental issues! I also believe if you're going to own an assault rifle that you should have to call your local authorities when ever you plan on taking it out of the house into public. Stating the reason. Another thing not being mentioned much is that a metal detector at that school, or any other, may very well have prevented that incident.


I am very much in support of the peoples' right to bear arms. However, I also think that the industry should be regulated more so that certain people--those with mental issues, for example--can be excluded from gun ownership. For most people, though, owning guns should be okay. I hate the argument that guns kill people; it's just an emotional phrase designed to elicit a knee-jerk response. It wouldn't do any good to confiscate all guns, anyway. People will just use something else as a weapon, as they did for millennia before guns were invented. I think the real issue here is social responsibility--and the US has a whole lot of work to do on that one.

marga Level 7 Feb 17, 2018

I agree with you 100% but I doubt most of the liberals on this website will as most of them don’t have much sense when it comes to guns and are only intent on confiscation.

That is not true

I am a liberal. Your blanket generalization is untrue.


I believe a very few people own most of the guns. It would be very easy to confiscate them. One locked gun per house is plenty.

That would result in a civil war as most of the people I know own guns and they’re not about to give them up without a fight!

That depends on what you are using the guns for. Deer and bear hunting use a rifle, while rabbits and pheasants require a shot gun.

@CS60 yes but I've yet to hear anyone trying to confiscate hunting rifles. Most don't care if people hunt... it is the assault weapons

If I wrote the rules to own any gun that you would take out off of your personal property on to the street you would have to belong to that organization. Like skeet shooters or bunny hunters etc. Sort of like a well regulated militia but a hunting club. Everyone would also have to have insurance for and be held personally liable for any lost or stolen guns or if they were used in any way other than it's intended use. Accidental deaths would be considered felonies and treated like involuntary murders. And all guns would be confiscated forever. Leave an unlocked gun in your house so the kids can get at it, confiscated.

@Trajan61 no it wouldn't you simply take them when an infraction becomes evident. One house at a time. Oh and your imaginary Patriots aren't as brave as you would like us to believe.

@43teach you have hunted wild pheasants? Why do you think they use shotguns for trap shooting? They are trying to replicate shooting birds rising and flying away. Although, I’ve had birds fly back at me more than once.

@anobene I agree with most of your statements. The only way you get a well regulated militia is thru the military. Gun clubs / ranges will not provide that level of discipline. Also, most trap & skeet shooters belong to a club or gun range. The “bunny hunters” belong in the playboy mansion.

Like conservatives whittled away at civil rights I would suggest doing the same. Drunk driving proves you're not a responsible adult. Yoink! guns gone. Like that.

@CS60 belonging to a group of duck hunters or deer or moose leaves a paper trail if avoided can be used against you in a court of law to increase the penalty.

@43teach you never ever hunt anything flying with something other than a shotgun; shotguns have an effective range of less than a hundred yds . for the most part..
rifles can project a bullet well over a mile ;

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