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LINK Russia Investigation: Jill Stein Explains Her Relationship to Putin, Trump and Hillary Clinton

Just on the off chance that you ever thought and/or still think jill stein would've made a good president, or even if you ever thought and/or still think she wasn't a pawn, willing or unwilling, in the russian plan to direct the 2016 election. if you think 2020 is safe from such an attack, think again.


genessa 8 Dec 31

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We have a 2 party system that represses all third parties. If you accept that it will always be a 2 party system, then “they” have done their job of repression. In order to affect change in our current system, we have to both work from within and from the outside. From the inside, we must elect more real progressives. From the outside, third parties, like the Green Party, are necessary. The fact that our election system can be influenced is mostly a byproduct of money in politics. The fact that a foreign country that meddled adds insult to injury but the injury was already there.

in what way does this system repress third parties? that's a nice claim to make but in fact there is no evidence of that. about money in progress and the injury's already being there i agree, but i do not agree that the attack was a mere insult. it was devastating and continues to be so, and this particular attacker used, and continues to use, the green party in particular, to its advantage. the gren party is not an honest party, or at least its leadership is not honest, and the fact that we already have a dire problem doesn't change any of that. we must indeed elect progressives. we must also know the difference between a progressive and a fake, like stein.


@genessa there is plenty of evidence that our systems repress third party systems. First, both parties are full of corporatists and have made our elections about money. Because monied interests control both Dems/Repubs, third parties can't compete monitarily. Second, media is controlled by biased interests. They do not want anyone rocking the two party system. Witness the lack of coverage for Bernie Sanders and Jill Stien. Bernie was out raising and out drawing Hillary. He was also put polling Trump by double digits at one time.
As for the green party, only know the local green organization. They are some of the most honest and ethical people I've ever met. Although, thier policy is petty far left, I agree with their vision. Frankly, I believe that a lot of the negativity is part of the propaganda machine that keeps us divided. That russions tried or even succeeded in using the Green party is not a surprise. Seems to me the same happened to the Republicans.
I stand by my statement that Russian intervention was insult to injury. I didn't say I liked it but when everything is based on money I just don't see how it couldn't have happened. My crude anology is that we're (not including the rich) have been getting fucked for a long while. Now, the Russians join in on the fun and we loose our shit.
As I said, I don't know much about the central Green party but what I've read about Jill Stien I like. I'll do some reading. However, I suspect that she may be under attack like Bernie was.

@Jay1313132018 your assertion that both parties are full of corporatists, whether true or not, is not evidence that third parties are suppressed. you have a leap of logic there, and perhaps an incorrect definition of "evidence." media is plural, media "are controlled" is what you mean to say. not all media. and bernie got plenty of coverage from msnbc. stein is spelled stein, not stien.

if the local green party is good, then it should disassociate itself from stein, who is owned by the russians. her policy isn't far left. it is far pay-me-and-i-will-dance. she is a fake.

yes we've been fucked for a long time, but no, the russian interference may have been inevitable but it is more than business as usual, and it's losing, not loosing, our shit, which we SHOULD have done before the 2016 election.

i don't know what "she may be u. Ser attack like Bernie was" means.


@genessa I certainly can show you receipts or secret videos that third-partys are suppressed. Just like you can't show me the same for your claims against Jill Stein (thank you for correcting me). It does take a bit of deduction that if monied interest want to control the agenda, then they have to control both parties. They may not hire hitmen to take out third party candidates but they've raised the the cost of running so high, that third-party candidates can't compete. So, it comes down to whether you believe monied interests control politics. There may be left/right leaning media. Just like there is a democratic /republican party. They are an tool used by monied interests to control the narrative. I stand by my assertion that Bernier was not given adequate coverage. CNN and MSNBC were often showing empty podiums instead of covering Bernie. We can agree to disagree.
I can agree that the Russian meddling was not business as usual. Or, that we should just "let it go". However, I believe that we are being manipulated into thinking that the solution to the problem is to punish the Russians or to put more safeguards into social media. These things may be a part of the solution. But, the real problem is that our politics are controlled by money.
Ive corrected my post above.

@Jay1313132018 i don't know ANYONE who says the solution is just to punish russians, or that there even is a solution, or at least an easy one.

as for evidence, there is lots of evidence out there re stein, pictures of her dining with putin, videos of her speeches, her deleted anti-vaxx tweets when she realized that everyone could see them and not just the anti-vaxxers she was wooing, her public defense of trump, her pre-election assertions that trump would be a better president than hillary.... those are all readily available.

of course one of the biggest problems is that politics and the rest of it are controlled by money. but which party is fighting to overturn citizens united, for example? there is one party doing that, you know. there are corporatist democrats. the party itself is not corporatist. the entire "both parties are the same" crap really IS crap.


@genessa I pay attention to the news. Lately, I've not heard much about the outsized influence of monied interest on our politics. Whereas, I hear daily about how the Russians mucked with our elections. My point is that the media focuses people's attention on Russia but not money.

I've seen the picture of Stein and Flynn sitting with Putin. I've also seen the CNN interview where she is asked to explain why she was there. I don't recall the exact response. But, I found her explanation plausible. As for deleted tweets, I never seen them. Did you see them? Or, did you hear/read about them? Same for her assertions about Trump making a better president. I've heard/read about why electing Trump would be, in the long run, a better choice in order to shock people into realizing what a shit show we have in place.
Not all democrats are corporatists. But, the party as a whole IS. They pay lip services and sometimes throw a bone to the masses. But, the way the DNC and most democrats run elections makes this EVIDENT. Tell me, who do the super delegates represent? If you believe that the parties are not bought and paid for, then congratulations. You've drunk the Kool Aid.

@Jay1313132018 yes i saw them.

i don't know what news you watch. i hear stuff you say you don't hear.

there are corporatist democrats but the party as a whole is NOT. you're wrong. the way elections are run has to be by raising money because that's what it currently takes. legislation could fix that. the democrats have talked about such legislation. the republicans adore the current methods and would never dream of changing it.

i have no idea whom super delegates represent. i expect them to be dispensed with as soon as dems are in complete power, not before. i have drunk no kool aid, but you know, if you don't know what you're talking about, then telling the other party they've drunk the kool aid is effective, right? oh wait... no, it's not.... it just makes you look like a fool who ran out of arguing points. how sad.


@genessa super delegates represent monied interests. I’d tell you how they came about. But, I’m sure that you don’t want to hear it.Here, again, we’ll have to agree to disagree on whether the dem party is bought and paid for.

The dems pay lip service to taking money from moneyed interests. But, in reality they are only better than republicans by degree. The only reason the dnc agreed to reduce the role of super delegates was because THEY WERE FORCED TO. Bernie infiltrated the dems rallied the people and pushed the DNC to the left. What I earlier described as the inside strategy.

I must have hit a nerve for you to call me a fool. It wasn’t my intention.however, if you’re going to post half baked propaganda that most anyone half informed can spot, the be prepared to defend it with real facts. So, far you’ve presented ZERO (0) facts. So, look who’s calling the kettle black with respect to knowing what they’re talking about. If calling someone names is the best you can do, then I am sad. Sad that are many more people like you which are not able to think critically.

Nuff said. Further discussion would be a waste of time. So long, so sad, too bad

@Jay1313132018 well, thanks for dismissing me. i do not post propaganda. i stand by my assessment of your assertions. if you have nothing further to say, fine with me. your choice.



Russia,China,N Korea and Iran have a lot to gain by messing with our elections.

yes they do, and when one does, it doesn't stop the others, of course.


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