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LINK How Trump signed a bill inadvertently giving Nancy Pelosi even more power to turn the screws on him –

More funds to help hire staff for the new Democratic Congress... Thanks, Angry Orange ? Clown!

DGJ0114 7 Dec 31

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"What, did you expect me to read it first?!?"

godef Level 7 Dec 31, 2018

Interesting and good. If idiot stick had a savvy staffer and he actually listened to them (male or female) he might have avoided this. But then he is getting famous for constantly shooting himself in the foot (it would be great if he aimed higher).


Excellent news!

"This gives Democrats in the new Congress a lot more power. Staff are crucial for conducting the hearings and investigations necessary to hold the executive accountable, as well as for serious policymaking that isn’t outsourced to lobbyists.

"Both tasks will be essential if Democrats are to use their majority to help pull the country back from the brink of Trump-induced disaster. And in the long run, a well-staffed Congress is a more functional one, regardless of which party is in power."


Never been accused of forward thinking, that one.

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