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Can a Community college actually prosecute you just for a hug?

In the wake of the #Metoo movement, which I am a part of, I avoided a certain college campus in 2017. I was constantly terrorized, because of my lack of in-action. I avoided campus because, from previous experience something similar would happen. A woman I though was my friend would freak-out and report for nothing. I had a woman from a class I was taking literally ran-away from me for just walking-up, and checking out what TV she is watching at the lobby. I don't expect woman to becoming a nun after being abused. Why do people expect me to become a monk, or an Orwellian monk? Anyway, is a hug, weak that it is, and all the experience I learn, or annualized in 2017, be enough for a community to discharge something?

SeanBab 4 Jan 2

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You have no right to touch, hug or in any way intimidate another individual.

If you met my ex-biz partner, you'd make an exception with a pick ax.


If multiple women are afraid of your physical presence, you should seriously examine how you are treating them. By the way, interjecting a cough into your post suggests disrespect for the MeToo movement, so I guess your derision may be part of the problem, too.

A college is unlikely to fire you over a single misplaced hug, but if repeated, well substantiated complaints from multiple people are made, they have little choice but to fire you, and rightfully so.

I treat them like human beings and respect everything they tell me. If a woman says no I respect that. I was terrorized because I avoided campus. Cough cough has become a mean everywhere because I was trying not to be terrorized. I avoided campus so I don't unconsciously less-out. Avoiding campus for was stupid. I regret and apologize to the same friend in many forms that I disrespected in 2017. She hasn't forgiving me. She may have been giving an ultimate apology because how I was treated by that same logic by random women that I have no means at all to disturbed. I knew that woman, she was a friend.


You never know when you may be engaging with an Asperger's Syndrome person. We (I am one), are particularly averse to physical expressions of affection. It would seem prudent not to engage physically until a relationship has been established.


Keep your hands to yourself unless you're invited. That's the best policy.

Orbit Level 7 Jan 2, 2019

I have always been respectful of other's personal space and so have not detected the slightest change in how people respond to me, post-#Metoo. Maybe it helps that I present as a harmless older person now, but I kind of doubt it. I could just as well be a moldy, horny old man so far as any random female knows. And I look younger than I am.

So this implied narrative that women are seeking out ways to deliberately take up offense and entrap men in some sort of Kafkaesque gaslighting of their noble intentions, tends to ring very hollow to me.


Without more information, it's impossible to even guess at this situation.

I mean, general rule No. 1 is keep ya hands to yourself unless explicitly invited to do otherwise, but idk if that was the case, or really what the case is here.

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