We say that "love" conquers all. Is that true, or does fear rule the world. From my perspective, fear rules the world: fear of others; fear of change; fear of those who are different!
Annoying two-part question: "Can Love save us. . . . " Answer is No. " . . . . or is it just a New Age pipe dream? Answer is "Yes." answer key of: No, just a New Age Pipe Dream or Yes, Love can save us would be clearer. Before the Europeans came to America, the Native American tribes I am aware of did not have a word for "love" or even recognize the "love concept" as having any value. After much thought, I agree with the old school Native American concept of "Love"
I'm unable to cast a vote because the poll is based on restrictive options. Love is just one element. By itself it can certainly help, especially if one applies all the the word love implies in relationships. Love alone is not enough.
Love does not rule the world. Neither does fear. Love and fear are emotions. Identifying a product of one's own mind as the supreme power in the universe seems to me to be the height of arrogance. We are humans, we are mortal, we are governed by the natural laws of the universe. We can be loving or fearful under circumstances which would create the possibility to be either---and often, we're both at the same time.
This is one of the reasons that education in science is so important. Love is wonderful, but it does not conquer all.
I think if we used more common sense, became more compassionate, had more empathy towards others, that will indeed start the ball rolling to make some huge changes but most of these changes have to start with ourselves first and foremost. Love is just a strange word as it has a bazillion different meanings for everyone but I think it would definitely change attitudes if we got a better handle on these other things first.
Love, like other emotions is just a flow of chemicals in the brain. To me hate can overcome love as hate kills and destroys. Once something is destroyed no amount of love can bring it back. Love is not the opposite of hate, reason is (love and hate are emotions and therefore the same). I wonder where reason comes from? It seems hard to believe chemical flow can instill a sense of reason.
Reason, like everything else occurring in our body and brain, is a chemical process. Things like logic and mathematics are tools we have constructed through the application of these chemical processes.
To say 'Love can save us' is far far too vague a solution. In principle it can but so could intelligence & intelligence encompasses love too - but even saying 'Intelligence can save us' is too vague an answer to be of any real use.
"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." - H. L. Mencken
I like to believe that once more love is in the world a lot more good will be done
Compassion for yourself and others will save the world. If you want to use the word love, ok, but it’s a bit much for me. The word Love tends to get overused in our society today with little action or thought going into its use.