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I am guessing this is meant for comedic effect, because I was laughing. I can't believe he delivered this with a straight face. Deadpan humor.


I guess Trump used a similar scale to get the human furniture for the White House … but he probably skipped anyone lower than 8 on the crazy scale


Perhaps this guy should get a job with Don the Trump


Whoa! Ladies & Gentlemen after reading ALL the comments I'm going to have to blow the whistle ????. Annd another thing I'm addressing the men directly, if you're offended by something I post keep it moving you don't have to comment at all. Keep it up and I'm calling on Jesus


Ho-ho-hold up. Official man disclaimer, please read before continuing:

Men of Agnostic, do yourself a favor: It's a trap, do not comment. Don't say it's funny, don't even appear to agree with it in any way, not even in jest. That's how they get you. Run.

The problem isn't in appearing to approve of this tripe. It's that you do. If you watch this and think, "ya, so true" there is something wrong with you.

@OpposingOpposum After consulting with my lawyers, here is the official reply:

Under no circumstances should a post in this thread constitute "approval" of the "video" by Xuande (hereafter known as "First Man" or "FM" ) or any other male, neither those participating in this thread nor of any other variety.

FM believes that gender stereotypes exist, and do so because, in varying degrees of reality, some men (not necessarily including FM) have experienced women that somewhat cartoonishly align with the principles outlined in the post above.

Whether the video's intent was serious or sarcasm, it should not be taken seriously. We are all individuals, and FM does not believe OpposingOpposum (hereafter known as "OO" or "GP" ) or any other woman in this thread nor of any other variety, matches the stereotypes described in the video. That is because negative traits are often blown out of proportion in these stereotypes, and create "mashups" of individuals that emphasize a shallow, non-positive iteration that no person could reasonably expect to think was speaking ill of them in particular -- even if they do possess some of those "traits."

FM also recognizes the opposite stereotypes are also real, and encourages participants to post them so they can be laughed at equally.

In conclusion, FM believes that people who take this chart seriously are indeed "idiots." However, neither GP nor any other women should take offense at the "video" because it's silly and deserves to be laughed at, even if it's just by men who can identify some of the cartoonish aspects with past relationships. It should not be seen as an indictment on OO or any other woman, past, present or future, nor should it be taken as based in reality by anyone.

@Xuande you forget I've "met" you. I already know everything I need to know, thanks.

@OpposingOpposum Say the hell what now?

No you haven't. And this is the problem with everything to do with online relationships, be they acquaintances, friends or otherwise.

We interacted, what? A few times? During which we "chatted" with other people once or twice? You don't know the first fucking thing about me. Go ahead, admins deleted my bio so you don't even have a cheat sheet. Better yet, tell the world exactly what I did for you to "know all you needed to know" about me. Bet you fucking can't, can you?

No no no, I want everyone to understand this. This wasn't a one on one chat she's talking about. This wasn't me trying to spring love on anyone, it was just silly old mingles chat with everyone the hell else. Super brief interactions where I'm just trying to be funny, or witty, or I'm bored and fucking around. I don't even remember our interactions, aside from you being there, vaguely, and that only because you have a somewhat unique username and one time I came in and you were rude to me and I didn't know why.

Edit for public record: I removed a comment about a stick being stuck in a place.

@Xuande you whined about my dating a Canadian because somehow he is "stealing american women" then went on to attck him over various things, threw a tantrum and "ran out of the room". I don't need to read your bio or get to know you to know that you're childish and peevish.

@OpposingOpposum Yeah that sounds 110 percent like a joke. But as I don't remember it, let me just say good lord, that sounds more like a cartoon villain than a real person. Why would anyone remotely care about women dating Canadians? That's the conversation you "know" me from? Lol

You know what? It doesn't matter. You feel how you feel and I have no interest in doing anything other than dismissing you as shallow and judgemental.

Have a great one. Hope that north of the border things works out for ya!


Ugh. "No woman is below a 4 on the crazy scale" really? How many women do you know who attack men for turning them down? Get into physical altercations over football games, women or any other stupid thing they can think of? This dude can just gtfo.

Absolutely asinine

Thanks for saving me the personal defilement of watching this video at all. "No woman is below a 4 on the crazy scale"? Good grief. No man OR woman, including me, is less than a 4!

@mordant he is an absolute moron according to him if a woman is a 9 in the looks dept and is a level 4 on the crazy scale she must be a trans sexual because pretty women who are a "little crazy" don't exist ?

@Capricorn OMG that's just breathtaking stupidity there. Stupidity via whiteboard, no less. SMH.

@mordant bonafide idiot

@Veteran229 no I was brushing my teeth from barfing into my mouth a little at his stupidity.


This is obscene. Good god!

Absolutely asinine


Nope. Just can not get it

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