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I'm so fucking sick of believers claiming they have proof for their religion or the existence of a god...then it turns out to be a goddamn bible verse or "faith." Aaaahhhh! Sorry, Just had to vent 🙂

Junkeechick 4 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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"Believers" who are smug give me a pain, so I steer clear of them. Hell (can I say that here!!??), conventional religion as a topic of conversation ain't high on my priority list. Laughing, sex, books, nature (which is just friggin THERE), my mountain stream. When I grow up, I plan to be a hermit (it's the growing up part that sucks...been there, done that). Smile. Going to take a break from cabin building, garden, orchard, and sit in the mountain stream. Smile. (or flip someone the bird?)


Hallelujah! Oh, wait a minute...


Nut case said to me, We need to have an after life because life here is horrible. I LOVE LIFE


This is literally what brought me here to find other like minded people. I'm tired of the BS of the religious. Also hello from another local Prince William county dweller!


Come on, size matters. The local preacher is spewing significantly less shit than a televangelist who is bragging about buying his second private plane with cash. I'm simply comparing buckets of shit to oil tankers full of it.


I have found the following;

Science = Fact & Educated Hypothesis

Religion = Faith based on loose interpretations and hearsay.

There is proof that someof the stuff in the bible did happen. But since I have not yet been issued a "SMITE" button... I find it all hard to believe!


In the same way that Muslims believe that Allah will not come for judgment until the entire world is Muslim, many Christians believe that the second coming will only happen when the entire world is Christian. I've had students who made it their life's work to convert every non-christian. They are like bulldogs in their tenacity. Telling them that their religion just doesn't work for me does not deter them.




Well if you are looking for tools on dealing with these confrontations, have you checked out the Street Epistemology podcast? Epistemology is the study of knowledge, how we determine what we do and don’t believe. Street Epistemology essentially uses the Socratic method to help people look at their own reasoning. “Did I use good reasoning to arrive at this belief?”


Cold oatmeal pisses me off.


I feel the same, a bunch of garbage.


Your are not alone in those feelings.


Catcher in the Rye also pisses me off!


You do you girl. We heard ya!

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