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Atheist groups

What’s the difference between Freedom From Religion Foundation and American Atheist?

Trajan61 8 Feb 18

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I tend to think of the FFRF as sort of an atheist ACLU, and American Atheists as a more general purpose activism / advocacy group that focuses more on public policy rather than policing illegal theist overreach per se.

Are contributions to both groups tax deductible like the donations to churches.

@Trajan61 According to their respective web sites they are both 501( c )3 tax deductible non-profits.


I go to a ton of metal/punk gigs here in LA. Those communities don't do much religion.


Similar in view, but I think FFRF is much more active on the legal front, keeping church out of government and schools. I am a proud member of FFRF, and I think Andrew Seidel should be on the Supreme Court.


I am not familiar with American Atheist. FFRF is an organization that often pursues legal resolution of issues affecting non-believers. If I’m not mistaken, they also facilitate publishing atheist authors and facilitate lectures. A quick search suggests that Americans atheist has similar goals and principles.

American Atheists was originally founded by Madeline Murray O'Hare, which in my view is a bit to live down, but it's been decades since that era. And for all her weirdness and maybe borderline personality, and the strange circumstances of her death, she was instrumental in bringing Atheism out into the open, loud and proud, and getting the ball rolling on some of the major issues of interest to atheists.

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