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POLL Where do you find meaning in life? pick the top one

To tackle this topic, Pew Research Center conducted two separate surveys in late 2017. The first included an open-ended question asking Americans to describe in their own words what makes their lives feel meaningful, fulfilling or satisfying.

The second survey included a set of closed-ended (also known as forced-choice) questions asking Americans to rate how much meaning and fulfillment they draw from each of 15 possible sources identified by the research team. It also included a question asking which of these sources gives respondents the most meaning and fulfillment.

I chose health because with this you can’t really fully enjoy any of the others.

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JackPedigo 9 Jan 9

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Polls should include an "Other" option. Also, you combined "career/money" as one answer, when it doesn't have to be. There are many fulfilling careers that are pursued for reasons other than money. My take is that choosing a career you love can be the most fulfilling thing in your life. You spend most of your waking hours working, so why not spend it doing something you love.

I was limited to 8 even though there were more in the actual poll. Also, the actual poll had a ranking which I could not do here. I have had health issue that got in the way of everything else so I still rank health as no. 1.

@JackPedigo I understand. As we age, health becomes more important in our lives. My response is a general response for a person's entire life, not just us old farts...

@sfvpool I can see and understand that but I applied the response to myself as I can't talk for others.


Health is a real driving factor, when it's good your choices may be different but when things go south the impact is immediate and frustrating.


Learning is one of my activities.

I believe learning helps us to evolve and is the meaning of life. But a chronic health problem can upend people's desire or ability to do most anything else. Thanks


None of the above. Volunteer work needs to be a choice--I can't be the only one.

Carin Level 8 Jan 9, 2019

Thank you I have been trying to push the importance of volunteering for long time.
Even before I retired I was volunteering. But I have also had health issues but they have been short term physical things and the usual colds or flu. I have seen people with chronic issues one of which was Parkinson's. Some health issues especially if there is pain, can take a priority over everything else.


We make our meanings.

Our choices are often limited by what nature allows. My late partner was a big time volunteer but a sudden brain tumor cut everything short. It can happen to anyone.

@maturin1919 That is why health was on the chart. The program did not allow (or I did not know how) to allow for a ranking. Ask yourself, how do you think people feel when they come down with a serious, chronic health issue. I think then they understand how important health is.

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