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Who else gets annoyed when someone like a cashier says have a blessed day? I so badly want to say something but choose to respect there beliefs. Im afraid to say anything because I don't want the confrontation. What could be said that respectfully tells them to quit

TheIrishTexan 5 Feb 19

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My work requires a lot of phone conversations with people that basically amount to "yes, I do understand you need service. We need payment in cash, money order or certified funds". When customers start cursing me out, I tend to respond with "have a blessed day" & end the call. It tends to twist the knife so to speak & they can't accuse me of being rude.


The other day I received a message on FaceBook from a friend stating that the reason there were so many school shootings was because there was no God in public schools anymore. I pointed out that because God was an imaginary being that he probably had nothing to do with school shootings and that the first amendment protected students from forced prayer to an imaginary being. He told me to "hush". Others chimed in with quotes from the Bible and that even scientists were amazed at the amount of truth in the Bible. I am beginning to think that our problems in this country are not just our elected officials but Evangelical Christianity in general.


I have never gotten tweeked by this, it is their way of looking at the world, I have the right, in America, to say, and the devil to ya. I realize in their way I've just been wished a pleasant day and my appoach to the outside world is with a smile and kind heart.


I don't think they mean it in a religious way so much as it is said that way. I usually view it as "have a good day, or they are wishing me a good day" religious people often confuse blessed days with good ones because it was the "lords doing" or whatever.


As much as I cringe, I also realize that this person whose beliefs I clearly do not agree with has expressed, in their own language, their wish that I have a pleasant day. Who am I to argue with that?

I have learned to take a softer approach and just roll with it. A typical response is, "Thanks! Have a great day!" Because, in essence, that is what they just expressed to me.

Now, if they invite me to church or something like that, I laughingly explain that I might burst into flames, and then walk away.


"oh, I don't believe in that myth"


If it comes across as over "spiritual," I'll just smile and say, "Hail Satan."


It doesn't bother me. I just say "same to you".


Sometimes I'll reply: "I hope you have a good day too".
Sometimes I'll call a private store and complain to the manager, and say I won't shop there again unless the associate stops that. Sometimes they care, and other times they don't = no problem.

When a postal clerk or govt employee says "have a blessed day", I make a complaint (online). Both people have stopped doing that, and changed it to "have a nice day", or something similar.

When someone sneezes and everyone around says "bless you", I always say "gesundheit".


Unless it's someone I'm going to be around regularly - I just acknowledge with a smile and move on ...
Otherwise, I have said "thanks - but I'm good"

@TheIrishTexan I hear ya - after two or three in a day, I've had quite enough ... I mostly dislike the assumption made !


If you let something as inconsequential as a Christer's pious platitudes annoy you then you have a bigger problem to address than the influence of religion. Why not just choose to be amused instead? It's more fun.


Rise above it as it's not worth it I don't think.


I don't understand why that'd be annoying? It's someone telling you to have a nice day, regardless of religion u don't mind someone telling me that.


Why you get annoyed? Can't you just move on and be the end of it? Why you have to drag it? I say thank you and is the end of it.

@orange_girl Thank you for your take... Always let the enemy to underestimate you. Lesson one in war.


"God loves you!"
"She loves you too."

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