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LINK The Simplest Explanation Of Global Warming Ever

FTA: All of this leads to a very straightforward conclusion: if we increase the concentrations of infrared-absorbing gases in our atmosphere, like CO2 and CH4, the Earth's temperature will rise. Given that the temperature record unequivocally shows that the Earth is warming, and we have put these additional proverbial blankets onto our atmosphere, it seems like a slam dunk that this is cause-and-effect at work.

It cannot be proven that human activity is the cause of global warming, of course. That conclusion we drew is still a scientific inference. But based on what we know about planetary science, Earth’s atmosphere, human activity and the warming we’re observing, it seems like a very good one. When we quantify the other effects, it's unlikely that anything else could be the cause. Not the Sun, not volcanoes, not any natural phenomenon that we know of.

zblaze 7 Jan 12

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It won't matter when the oceans and the permafrost release their methane because humanity will die, the Earth will continue for a few billion years, possibly with some life forms. Rest peacefully knowing most cockroaches will go with us having linked their existence so tightly to ours.


Global Warming is not that hard to understand. We teach it at school and I think we do a reasonable job. At least in my experience YMMV. I suspect that the people who refute Global Warming don't do so because they fail to understand it, but because they are fooled by erroneous counter arguments. What I think we should do, is to teach Critical Thinking to allow people to defend themselves against attractive falsehoods.


Let me get this straight. You're saying if I keep driving my car the tropical belt will expand pushing the subtropical belt outward pushing the temperate zones outward and removing the arctic regions. Which in turn increases evaporation and the humidity in the air. All of which is good for plants and animals eat plants. So you want me to stop driving my car because you hate animals or plants?

You are confused.

@zblaze On which part?

@Biosteelman, seemingly, on all parts. I couldn't care less whether you drive your car or not, and I hate neither plants or animals.

@zblaze obviously I was being sarcastic at the end, but no I'm quite clear on how the Earth warms it's effects and zones, various cycles involved with climate. Let's put it this way. Paleontologic records support my claim and are adverse to current models which are still devolping in theory and outcomes.
Until proven global warming this time in the long run won't have an expansion of plant life and there by an expansion of animal life, I find the premise of catastrophic global warming near preposterous.


I suggest anyone who believes global warming is caused by human active should read "Climate, the whole story". Written by the former head of the archaecology department of the university of Washington. It's a good read,the author just gives you the facts and allows the reader to reach their own conclusion.


Ok volcanoes aren’t the primary cause but it’s been theorized that if certain volcanoes that tend to release something sizable amounts of sulfur dioxide were to be made to erupt that we would at least buy ourselves more time to get the rest under control.
Just saying there’s an option that’s been explored but no one wants to risk a few thousand to save a few billion.


I'm pretty convinced of the human cause but whatever the cause the effects and the associated consequences are real. Arguing blame is a time waste we can't afford.

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