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Bible found on Alien world

If humans found alien life as evolved as we were 2000 years ago (incapable of receiving radio messages from Earth or space travel) and they had a version of the Bible that mirrored our own would you be convinced?

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paul1967 8 Sep 24

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Just as virtually all religions contain some version of "the golden rule" I would think any intelligent beings who create a religion would likely have a similar rule and possibly more similarities. Cultural mores on how to get along and survive would be likely have a lot of similarities.


No. It would be evidence of a human presence.
Without humans, It quite simply wouldn't happen.
The bible is a product of its environment - Earth.
I really doubt alien creatures would buy human blood sacrifice as atonement on the basis for a social construct like morality.

If you were the last person on Earth, is there anything you could do that could be considered morally wrong?
You need a victim for cruelty, deceit, betrayal, murder, exploitation, and theft.
"Good" and "Evil" wouldn't exist in our minds if we weren't a social species.

I agree but I used the word "mirrored" to imply not an exact copy using humans but one that used the concept of a garden and flood ect. Maybe I could have worded it better.

All a mirrored product would imply is that they were growing in a similar way to humans at that time. You can't just point to 2 books being similar and say their is you evidence. Besides the bible was not the first human crated story, and it was not the last. Atop of that the simple law of averages dictates their would be a similar book some were in the universe. The simple fact is we have to little knowledge of how culture develops, and with earth being the only sample we have right now you can't make the jump to say ah this book is similar to this one this is right. you need more data to draw that conclusion.


Those Gideon's really get around.....

LOL, yes they do. Whenever I stay at a motel or hotel, I hide the bible in the room. I"ll put it in the microwave or the refrigerator or under the bed (if possible) or under the couch. Anywhere that would make it more unlikely to be found. Just my way of making a statement--sort of. LOL


So many assumptions here... 🙂

We didn't have radio until a 100ish years ago thereabouts.

So it could still be quite an advanced civilization capable of killing each other.

The chance that such a being would have a bible that mirrors our own is quite high. This is another assumption - that the Christian KJV is the only Bible. However, the world's relgions have many holy books and they all broadly mirror the same themes.

If you're self-aware and aware of your mortality, you're likely to fear that and create the comfort-blanket that is the superior being.

Draco Level 6 Sep 25, 2017

Darco, I'm baffled. I'm not trying to be defensive, and I hope you are not insulted but what are you talking about, perhaps it's just me not fully understanding you? Are you saying I'm assuming in my fictional example of what if a bible was found on another planet that had the scientific capabilities of Earth 2000 years ago? OR are you saying we would need to assume too much to be able to conclude any supernatural deity, based on this evidence?

Your radio comment is confusing too. It is true that in 1895 Guglielmo Marconi: an Italian inventor created the first radio, but I don't know what that has to do with my statement. It almost seems like a red herring since it actually only serves to divert the thought experiment I was purposing.
Finally, I don't know what "being" you're talking about nor do I understand why you would think the chances would be high for this being to have a copy of any Bible. I never spoke about the Christian King James Bible. If you would clear this up that would be appreciated. The only conclusion I can make is that you were talking to someone else but responded to me but I looked through the comments and I saw nothing that matched up

The Bible when capitalized is (for most westerners) taken to mean the KJV or some version of that. 2000 years ago (or the start of the common era) we didn't have a bible either. In fact, writing was pretty limited until relatively recently. The books of the bible are largely passed down verbally and are subject to heavy editing but I'm sure you know that and it's academic to your experiment.

I understand how you're proposing your thought experiment but you've already covered the radio in the fact that you're saying 2kya.

Hence your thought experiment (and there's nothing wrong with the proposal) could be more easily framed by fast forwarding to the late 18th century. We had the printing press, many more people could read - although most could not until perhaps the early part of the 20th.

That's why I didn't fully understand your thought experiment (and Marconi was only developing Hertz's work, but again this is academic.) 😉

I'm not easily insulted unless people call me names or use lame fallacies, weasel words and such. I assure you that my remarks are no more intended to cause you offense than they are to expand the discussion.

I'm aware of these facts, I know how the Bible was constructed, why it was constructed, how scriptures were accepted and rejected within the canon of the Bible. All that is interesting but it doesn't really address the question I posed. Your criticism is welcomed but in this case, I feel as if you might be missing my intent which was setting a stage where these aliens could not have been influenced by us through technology. I was asking what else could explain a mirror image of the Bible on an alien world?


I certainly would not be convinced that there's a god. I also would not think it's just a really freaky coincidence. I would suspect that some technologically advanced species visited Earth and this other planet, spreading the story.

I agree that it would not be a freaky coincidence or an indication of God. I would conclude that we don't know, but alternatives exist that would do a better job of explaining it than God did it and yours is one of them. Having said that I will admit, I only came to that after reading your response.


My dad told me a story a long time ago that there's a planet exactly on our opposite side of the Sun but the inhabitants there are far more hi-tech than we are. But after man's trip to the Moon and numerous space shuttles, a space station and so many communications satellites he laughingling told me that it was all hype and space fantasy theory.

But then I told him that it could still be true, given some really good and deep thought. He said that finding a bunker full of the fabled Yamashita treasure is an easier bet . . . according to the grapevine, there are still around 60 bunkers made by the Japanese in the Philippines that has to be found or will not be allowed to be found. Those bunkers containing tons and tons of precious metals looted by powerful nations during the two world wars are booby-trapped with "century bombs."

I know what you're thinking, guys, just 30 more years to go and those bombs will just produce a whimper

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