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My first started young. He was my developmentally disabled next door neighbor. He followed me everywhere I went in school from 7th to 10th grade. If I turned around, there he was. He was older and much bigger than me. I did try to talk to him, but it just made him love me more. I had another far more serious stalker later in life. Some people can't let go. I've had a couple girlfriends who had their masters in stalking they were so good at it. I've been known to drive by someone's house a little too often myself. Have you ever been stalked, or were you the one doing the stalking? Cyber counts.

Tecolote 7 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I've never been stalked to my knowledge. And I've never stalked anyone. I don't see the point in it.

marga Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

Ah @Tecolote you learnt at an early age what it was like to be put on a pedestal!
As my brother used to try to tell me "it doesn't matter how big they are - if there knee cap is kicked to the side of their leg they fall down. Equally a solid punch to the Adam's apple finishes them!"

@Tecolote Whoops inadvertent call on my part!


Never been stalked that I know of and never stalked anyone. It's just to creepy.


That's scary. I have never been stalked to my knowledge


A year of texts from an ex. Kept my cool and my number. He's history.


I get stalked a bit, mostly cyber these days, nothing serious, and they never find out anything, even if they think they have. Ex girlfriends mostly.

Groupies don't count! I still remember the leader of the local Hari Krishnas in court getting avo against a former disciple. This 40 year old woman had the court in stiches when she screamed at him "You bastard. I was good enough to f#ck when I was 25 slim and pretty, now I'm fat forty and frowsy you won't let me near you!"

@FrayedBear pml

@Rugglesby It happened not far down the coast from you about '95! The clerk of court nearly had to be ambulanced out with laughter.

@FrayedBear I didn't know of the story but have a fair idea where it would have occurred.

@Rugglesby Just look for Ashrams between you and Sydney. Lol.


I was stalked by my ex until I threatened to tell his current girlfriend!

I knew that would work because several married women he'd stalked while we were still married told me they could get rid of him by threatening to tell me.

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