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What's fair?

So I work for a cleaning company 15 minutes from my home. They have supplies and company cars at the shop. The home today is 38 miles from my home almost a 50 minute drive. It is a 50 minute drive from my works shop. (Maybe more time with the traffic this am). If you go to the shop and barrow a car you can clock in and start getting paid from when you leave the shop (plus they fill the cars with gas) if you leave from home you cannot clock in and only after a 25-40 hour week do you get a $50 gas bonus... am I wrong thinking this is not fair. Mind you we get paid $13 an hour.....

Allikat 6 Jan 18

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So an update to how this all went down. There were no cars to be had cuz all the other girls took them. 3 of the 6 girls to clean the home didnt show up. I got a dollar raise ($14 per hour) she clocked me in for drive time because all the company cars were gone. After explaining myself she understood and took these measures to make me happy and I very much appreciate all of you for your insights.


The IRS I think estimates the cost of driving your vehicle is 34 CPM. I don't know if that is one way or both. If it's both ways, that's about $25/day for you (if it's only one way it's a little over $12). You are lucky you get reimbursed for fuel at all. Most places won't.

The clocking in thing does sound a little weird tho.


Because people will take the car home drive around in it all night and bring it back the end of next day with empty tank.

it is common practice to be paid from place of employment if you need to travel. This way they know what time you started.

That happens all to often but cars are to be brought back at the end of your shift and to be picked up every morning.


Apparently you get a choice on how you want to do it. To me that makes it fair. If you didn't have any particular job that day you would have to drive to work, if you got to work and then got the job you would leave from work. So unfortunately sometimes logistically it might not make sense for you to drive from home but in terms of fairness in my opinion as long as you have the choice on how to do it it's fair.

It sounds like the clock in rule is the problem. Certainly you're working so I'm not sure how they can justify that you're not able to clock in. My last employer had an online clock in application which said exactly what time you started work.

Perhaps if enough other employees feel that it's unfair, a suggestion to management that they alter the policy might be a good idea and sometimes you get rewarded for making suggestions like that

lerlo Level 8 Jan 18, 2019
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