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Do you have a deep, dark and dirty secret?

Have you ever told anyone?
If so, was that a relief, or do you stress about their knowing?

If you’ve never told anyone your secret, does it eat away at you, or not phase you at all?

How (if at all) has your secret shaped your character in positive or negative ways?

AMGT 8 Feb 21

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I once told a marriage counselor about why (she was insisting!l my hubby no longer wanted me, and she turned on me and lambasted me about how awful & "disloyal" i was.......found out later he was sleeping with her! So I think my DDD secrets will remain secret, thankyavurrymuch.


Sometimes I wish my boobs were a DDD! tehehehe 😉 Then I could smoother all my dirty dark secrets with them lol

Sacha Level 7 Feb 21, 2018

I cannot give a response that would not get me chastised.

Appropo I have pregnancy dreams and lactation dreams feeding my baby. ....I am not gay or Transgender I never have dreams romantic with men but deep and dark dreams are thus in part. cats and dogs are buried in dirt DDD.....ALL PEOPLE usually are born with breasts only women breastfeed colostrum post partum but getting larger breasts happen with real pregnancy and hormonal changes in all people. ...many cardiac male adult patients experience breasts growth & minor nipple discharges

Works for me! lol

No you do not! My first bra, at age 10, was a C and things went downhill from there...many styles look awful with DD boobs, the underwire bras to hold them up are Very expensive & Very uncomfortable, no matter how hard you shop! My trapezoid muscles are completely nonexistent...killed off by bra straps. Doing DIY on my yard & home, I cannot tell you how many times they got poked, slammed, bruised. I just (5 weeks ago) underwent reduction a nice age 69.. They took off 2.5 pounds! It is So much easier to breath, so much easier to stand upright! No more rashes, no more gobs of sweat making the bra soggy, yippee! The recuperation is long, but no way as long as i have suffered with these stupid things poking forward. In addition, plenty of studies show that women with big boobs are perceived as dumber than women with small boobs....i also am finding men looking me in the face of all ages! Plus, i saw my feet while upright for the first time....too funny!

Trust me, you don't want to live with DDD breast. Mine are larger that that and it's beyond impossible to find trendy clothes. One of the many reasons why I taught myself how to sew.

@kiramea a good doctor can work with you & get insurance to pay!

@balou They do look nice 🙂 However, I have to side with women who tell about the problems they cause. And breasts don't have to be big to look nice, for me at least.

@MST3K I agree, but they are nice to look at..


I have them and I'm keeping them.


I thought this post was going to be about bra sizes. 😉

I have secrets. They burn inside of me. The guilt bubbles up, I force it down, and so it simmers. It sucks. I’ve let a few escape, and it felt, oh, so fucking good. But these truths hurt other people, and I don’t like doing that.

I did too


I don't have secrets. Just details not exposed.


I have quite a few deep, dark and dirty little secrets, I think that they will die with me...nice try though :~{}

@AMGT, I don't know if I'm good with them, it doesn't make any sense to me to bring up the past, I'm talking 35 years ago...or does it?


My DDD was being Transgender..I tried to keep it hidden from myself and people for 26 hurtful and destructive's been 13 years since I accepted Me..for the betterment of me. The positive change, in a nutshell, I won my battle against cancer, if I hadn't embraced me, I'd be dead.

brilliant good on you

You're a trooper 🙂

@Wildgreens I know you wanted to say super trooper..lololol

@LeighShelton's been an over all lovely 13 years..except for the cancer bit of course..

of course but here you are

@LeighShelton yup..where ever I go there I am..lololol

fucking hell, that always happens to me too lol


You first...

Yea, how 'bout it? lol


There's this anecdote about Christopher Lee that I love. I dunno whether it was an actor or director who was just thrilled to be sharing the set with this great actor who had served with the British Secret Service in WWII. Of course this might have been an opportunity to get some dirt on the sordid details of historic events. The conversation went something like this:
Guy: "What was it like?"
Lee: "Can you keep a secret?"
Guy: "Sure."
Lee: "So can I."


Shoot, I have always considered myself depraved, but now I feel deprived, I lack such.
I have done things that have shocked people, but they are didn't become secrets.


I don't have any secrets I could classify as deep, dark AND dirty. I have a few deep ones I suppose, but no more than anyone else does. They are mostly to spare the feelings of others, and that sort of secret doesn't bother me. After all, there are people sparing my feelings, too (I assume, but who knows -- there are certainly people who are NOT sparing them).

Just because you feel or think something doesn't mean you need to share it.

Cue Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men": The TRUTH? You can't HANDLE the truth!


My secrets(note the plural), are not for others. That's why they're called secrets. 😉


Knowledge is power. I keep my power to myself. Good question.


The older I get the more DDD's I realize I have. There is at least one that would put me in prison. I am glad I have been able to compartmentalize, other wise I would go crazy😉


The dark secrets I only talk about with other veterans the dirty secrets on the other hand are very entertaining and will gladly share under the right circumstances. Most common responses to them are, no way, that's a lie, are you shitting me. They're funny and they're true.


Nice try. Anything I'm ashamed enough of to consider a DDD I will most certainly take to my grave. So...who are you working for? 🙂

What is “depression specialist”? Very curious to learn...@AMGT

@AMGT Interesting occupation! I have been in therapy with an optimism specialist, and that did not go so well. Maybe I should try depression therapy?

@AMGT I really did get it, I also was joking and making light of my life situation 🙂


I'll never tell! 🤐


Deep Dark Dirty probably relative. Most would be bored by my skeleton.


When I saw 'DDD', I thought it was going to be a post about "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives".


I blame myself for negligence for every cat or dog that died in my care. ...I know I did my best but in hindsight I have learned painfully how their death might have been prevented. ...the fact that most believers deny "heaven" for non-human animals rubs me wrong all the more. ....death is so final. more joy no more play no more purring no more tail wagging no more happy meal and treat times. ...the end of companionship


I am fine with my secrets. Not like I feel a need to go to confession about them 🙂


Of course not, I am a saint.


Me: Nothing I have ever done or thought or felt is bad at all. I have nothing to be ashamed of.

Society: "You're a murderer! You're going to hell! You're a lazy, lying malingerer! You're trying to get something for nothing! You should be ashamed of yourself! You're a villain! How could you say that? How could you think that? You're a traitor! You don't deserve to be an American! You don't deserve to be alive!"

I don't have secrets. I have scars and stains that I hope people won't notice.


I did. I recently discovered how freeing opening up about them is though. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


The statute of limitations has expired!! but I still won't put it up on a public forum. That's just nuts. LOL


Pretty much always

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