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LINK Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world ( 1967 ) - YouTube

And I think to myself... ??

BeeHappy 9 Jan 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Love this xong... a karaoke favorite for me to do & audience to smile

Fun! ?


My kind of music.



I wish I could, I used to, until Trump became POTUS, now I just can't.

For me it's climate change; POTUS is temporary.

@EdEarl temporary in office but most of the damage he's causing isn't, like the Supreme court, that alone will haunt me for decades.

@Mofo1953 Maybe, he is a disaster, and the donors want it. He is only the tip of the iceberg. Franklin D. Roosevelt got a bill through congress to put more members on the court; then stacked it with liberals. All he has done is reversible, but it takes voters to be disgusted with the conservative politicians.

@EdEarl logic and the foreseeable political future supports my decades estimate

@Mofo1953 I'm not betting on it; you may be right.

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