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LINK Jack Ma on what America got wrong

Honestly just look at how much could’ve or even better should’ve been done with just 1/2 of that money.

But yet we still have people in this country that believe that we should be involved in not just our current military conflicts but even more.

And what saddens as well as confuses me is that those who use to be against war and war minded individuals are now the new banner wavers.

I guess they feel that way because their children aren’t joining and there’s no longer a draft which ironically these same people have been damn to the walls against.

No real human should ever want their child to go and kill another humans child especially if it’s for the profits of foreign countries.

48thRonin 8 Jan 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Those in the military are the last to want any kind of war because they know the price that is paid. No war should be approved without Congress approval and we need to stop being the policeman of the world unless drawn in by treaty of our allies as we would expect them to respond. The last three wars were nonsense and a waste of people and money. If we go to war war bonds should be made available to pay for it instead of adding it to our national debt every time.


Its all politics. My side, your side. Its become like a game. Its a dangerous game that govts play against us because they understand the power of the monkeysphere; while most people have never even heard of it.

They play us precisely; while a vast majority of people fail to even properly identify the problem.

SCal Level 7 Jan 23, 2019
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