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Probably been covered expertly elsewhere, but do you think that an operational belief in an afterlife diminishes the value of human lives. And if so, how significant is that in the U.S. and elsewhere? Does this account for a willingness to accept violence?

Desertwriter 4 Feb 21

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You play the hand dealt to you..... Worries are of no help now........ don't forget that Odin andThor are still looking to expand in your imagination....


It certainly devalues human life; it completely eliminates the concept. Life becomes eternal and humanity a phase, a temporary shell - and an insignificant one at that, when compared to eternity.


Of course. I think it would contribute to an acceptance of violence.


I only worry about it when they try to hasten the apocalypse.


Isn't "operational belief in an afterlife" an oxymoron? Truly, though, most of the people I have ever interacted with who believe in an afterlife as such fear death more than those who don't. Given that, by adding another irrational fear to the mess that is humanity certainly seems to be detrimental to the quality of life.

Then, there are the suicide bombers.

@Desertwriter I see more clearly what you mean, now. Just judging by the major world religions, at least half the world's population is at least partially invested in the top three major faith groups, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam, all of which address the afterlife, whether it is heavenly or via reincarnation. I would say that's quite prevalent. I still think that worrying about a judgmental god is more stressful than not having to worry about such things.


I'd definitely fly an airline that only hired atheist pilots! I don't want to be flown by someone who thinks they'll wind up in heaven if the plane crashes. 😉


Of course it does. How do you think you get suicide bombers?

@Desertwriter This is true. Now get a picture in your head of a raisin. Imagine it floating vertically. Then enlarge it until it's about the size of a peach. Now what do you see?

@Desertwriter Absolutely. But we're talking about commanders who value corporeal existence so little that they send people to kill themselves.

@irascible The Koran actually says 72 raisins. Boy are those fuckers going to be disappointed!

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