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What's people knowledge level on psychedelics?

Mind Opening

noblepeasant 3 Jan 29

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Just finished reading Michael Pollan's "How to Change Your Mind". It's quite an education.

skado Level 9 Jan 30, 2019

I lived there.... You Missed It. To Explore on your Middle Age Do Not Compare to Experience in Your Youth... Old Age is for the Memories!!!!


I have a lot of experience, but it's been a long time.


Mine is dated but extensive.

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 29, 2019

Dated is Good... It is what is Suppose to be. I Salute You for your Honesty.


Magnificent. Wonderful. Tickets to the Cosmic Wow. But tricky stuff, and hard on the soul sometimes, depending. (And definitely a different ballgame at different ages)


many many long strange trips


I liked them but don't actually know anything about them. Except they are fun but you need the whole day off from work.

Carin Level 8 Jan 29, 2019


I suggest Erowid or for a excellent informational source. If you are past that point in your research Pihkal and Tihkal are great as well.


While I find the subject somewhat interesting, I don't know much about it and am not very interested in experimenting. I know Sam Harris has talked extensively about using MDMA to experience deep love and openness that he'd never felt before without the chemical aid. I've heard interesting things about Ayahuasca, but there's a bit of religion often associated with it that I find rather distasteful.


At the University of Michigan, with friends I took LSD twice. The first time was horrifying. Looking into a mirror, my face melted. I was soaring 12 hours after everyone else was asleep.

So, we made rules for taking LSD:

  1. Avoid driving, mirrors, crowds, answering the phone and parents.

  2. Go to the woods or ocean. Relax and look at the beauty. Much better.

The third and last time I took LSD was at age 21. We were at the Pacific Ocean of Washington State on New Year's Day. Amazingly, it was 76 degrees and sunny.

High on LSD, I sat on the ocean beach and wrote the resume that got me my first professional job as a YMCA program director.


I have an interest in the new medical research involving them, not in taking them, though

Orbit Level 7 Jan 29, 2019

I took LSD a few times as a teenager. I enjoyed the first 2 - 3 "trips", but the last was a never ending nightmare, after which I swore to never do it again -- and haven't.


psychedelics......if you don't spell it right the letters come for your skin.


I can spell it.

Della Level 6 Jan 29, 2019

Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

As far as psychedelics go, I have no interest.
I experimented when I was younger. That was enough.

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