I’m glad I’m not stuck up north.....
Id rather have the cold weather than be in Oklahoma.... lol
It was 62 degrees today and I was outside most of the day.....
And it's lovely here
My ad blocker won't let me in but I can look it up. What's it like in Okie land? We are having unusually warmish dry weather. The sunset was amazing so tomorrow will be another nice day. It often seem there is a weather balance in the country.
55-60 degrees and sunny this week. Will be in the 70s on Sunday.
@SkotlandSkye It never got that warm when I lived there (once on a trip home from Oklahoma City the car heater went out and we about froze). Is this an unusual winter. It is here.
@JackPedigo No, this is must of hit one of the few really cold days we get. It does freeze at night....but days stay in the 40s, 50s, and 60s typically all winter long.
@SkotlandSkye I was in Lawton 2 years and the winters were normally cold. Of course that was last century bcc (before climate change)lol