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LINK If you tell anyone, you'll burn in hell! - YouTube

"Priests fave their favorite boys crosses (necklaces) to indicate which boys had been groomed for other priests."

snytiger6 9 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Nice to see that Cardinal George ( Paedo) Pell didn't escape having his foul mug in the top left corner of the photo/meme.


The International Courts of Justice sorely NEED to raid, without warning or notice, every Catholic Church and the Vatican world-wide simultaneously, seize ALL their records and documentations, bring charges against the Church, the Pope and the Priests and try them in PUBLIC courts for the horrible abuses they have wrought upon mankind for CENTURIES.
And when found GUILTY, as they should be, then sentence them to the Term of Their Natural Life in prison, no parole or reduction of Sentence, when they've died, bury them unceremoniously in unmarked graves WITHIN the grounds of the prisons.

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