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The Supernatural. What could it be?

I was thinking this morning if I could imagine what could exist that I would consider supernatural. I couldn't. Not one thing came to mind. Can you describe anything that would fit into the parameters of existing in a supernatural environment? What would that environment be like? Please explain how it would differ from the natural. What exactly is it that distinguishes the natural from the supernatural?

paul1967 8 Feb 23

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Maybe large objects that obey quantum laws? That would appear to be "supernatural".


Ones OK and the other one is really, really, good?


i seem to be with you on this one, so i can only give my reason for being incapable of coming up with anything one might consider "supernatural".

to me Nature is everything. the physical world most certainly, & i enjoy it very much. energy, which gives the physical life, also allows for feelings & thought processes. & unlike the physical body, which deteriorates visibly after death, the energy gets released into the atmosphere in a subtle... & sometimes not so subtle way. that's when i may sense (see or feel) remnants of a life, where even "ghost" appearances have a natural explanation.

for something to be supernatural it would have to exist in spite of Nature, or above it. like jesus walking on water - without the stepping stones 😀

I know you don't buy into the supernatural mumbo-jumbo anymore than I do, but I have a debate scheduled March 3rd, and it's centered around the supernatural. I'm regretting my decision to take this on because I don't even understand the first thing about how theist view this magical place. I feel like I'm going into this ill-prepared.

A lot of what I have read talks about the supernatural being above nature and since you touched on this, I was wondering if you might have a better sense of what it means.

These are a few question, and I understand if you don't have time to answer this or if your answer would be I don't have a clue either lol. But I'll ask anyway.

I don't understand what above nature would be. Is something that is natural but above nature, supernatural? And how are we determining that anything is above or below or to the right or left of nature?

Everything requires some form of energy, so assuming we accept that energy is a requirement for anything, would energy be a natural thing that could exist in a supernatural realm? And if energy is natural and E=MC2 shows us that energy can convert into mass and those two things are both natural what part of the supernatural is supernatural?

This will be pretty much my approach at the debate, asking these questions to point out the absurdity of the supernatural and it's a hazardous approach if I'm missing something

@paul1967, science, let alone scientific debate, has never been my forte, so i'm not sure how useful my take on the question whether the supernatural exists or not would be to you. i reckon your approach so far is straightforward. a look at the night sky here in our rural australia shows me the seemingly endless reaches of nature, not of supernature - what could be grander, more super...ior? there is no greater power on this planet than nature, not to me. she even has some space for the occasional energetic glimmer of a deceased body 😉 belief in the supernatural equals superstition.


Super just means above nature. In time, that thing we can't understand or see will be found and understood.


Hahahahahah that’s beautiful, man


There is no such thing as supernatural. Everything in existence and that can be experienced or observed is natural.

what he said.


There are a lot of things that would explain it, hallucinations, dishonesty, and misunderstanding are the top three, I think.

There used to be stories where I work of people seeing a native American ghost in a warehouse at night. A few people described this ghost as a "Hollywood Movie Indian" with a feathered war bonnet, fringed buckskins, and the whole costume.

The problem is the costume they described would have been typical of some northern plains tribes, but we are in the eastern woodlands.

JimG Level 8 Feb 23, 2018

maybe he was abducted.


With space going on forever there are infinitive possibilities.

Is there? I agree, infinite possibilities within the parameters of the physical universe, but basically what your doing is saying since space is infinitely large (which we don't know if that's true, but we'll say it is) then all things are possible and eventually probable. I don't think that's true.

well, it's only a theory so you might be right but what would you say is at the end of space? if space is infinite then there are infinite possibilities. its weather space is infinite thats the unknown


A good TV show.


To me, the supernatural is nothing more than the mind's attempt to understand events in which the natural cause is not readily known, or understood.


Something that exists outside of the physical universe, yet can interact with it; it's an entity or phenomenon that remains hidden (or undetected) and is not beholden to natural laws, including the linearity of time, and is able to, according to the religionist, change or interfere with the steady chain of natural causes and events, without leaving a shred of evidence. In other words, an impossibility.

I've heard that same description offered up before, but it's still an empty description. What indication do we have that anything exists outside the physical universe, and if you can spot anything that would be an indication of the supernatural, wouldn't the essence of that thing need to be natural? Don't get me wrong, I know you don't accept it either, I'm just adding to your objection.

@paul1967 When attempting to explain the other side's argument, words sometimes fail me. Peace.

something existing outside the physical universe - that would include my imagination... which is pretty much a thing of my nature.


Imagination, fantasy, speculation, hypothesis, brain fart, mental illness to name a few.

you call all those "supernatural"?


I think 'supernatural' is a construct of the human mind meant to describe natural occurrences that don't make sense to us. It's a gap that fills what either science has yet to explain or what science has already explained but willingly ignore just to fit their worldview. I'm not ruling out the possibility that a god or an afterlife might be proven to exist although the likelihood is very small. But if they are discovered, it would no longer be considered supernatural but simply natural.

Whatever one sees or hallucinates is of that person's mind and influences. We tend to see what we expect to see. Does a place have a reputation? There, you are influenced to see or hear something, and through your own filter.

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